Fifty Pairs Of Silk Stockings
It is spring. The streets are invaded by lightly dressed women.
Some carry becoming flowers and step briskly, tossing their curls
in the mild wind.
Here is the story of a woman who wants to have a chance to live
and be convinced that men are not that bad after all.
In a feminine conspiracy involving her circle of dissatisfied
friends she works out a plan:
what if she prints some personal ads?
The 150 letters or so she receives construct a survey of what men
think they are like in a post-communist Hungary.
The about 70 meetings she has with them show how they really are.
The talks she and her friends have poke fun at this discrepancy.
She feels like she is visiting the lost and found depot.
Sad men and nice men, stupid men or men bubbling with humor
stay quietly on a shelf waiting.
But none of them
is hers.
In the end her typist, who processes all these letters and
eagerly listens to her mishaps manages to fall in love with her.
what she was up to.
What a mess, these writers.
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Revised: May 21, 1998