Returns a new structure with all the keys and values of the specified structure.
See also StructClear, StructDelete, StructFind, StructInsert, StructIsEmpty, StructKeyArray, StructKeyArray, and StructUpdate.
Structure to be copied.
This function throws an exception if structure does not exist.
<!--- This view-only example illustrates usage of StructCopy. ---> <P>This file is similar to addemployee.cfm, which is called by StructNew, StructClear, and StructDelete. <!--- <CFSWITCH EXPRESSION="#ThisTag.ExecutionMode#"> <CFCASE VALUE="start"> <CFIF StructIsEmpty(attributes.EMPINFO)> <CFOUTPUT>Error. No employee data was passed.</CFOUTPUT> <CFEXIT METHOD="ExitTag"> <CFELSE> tempStruct=StructCopy(EMPINFO) <CFQUERY NAME="AddEmployee" DATASOURCE="cfsnippets"> INSERT INTO Employees (FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, Department) VALUES <CFOUTPUT> ( `#StructFind(attributes.tempStruct, "firstname")#' , `#StructFind(attributes.tempStruct, "lastname")#' , `#StructFind(attributes.tempStruct, "email")#' , `#StructFind(attributes.tempStruct, "phone")#' , `#StructFind(attributes.tempStruct, "department")#' ) </CFOUTPUT> </CFQUERY> </CFIF> <CFOUTPUT><hr>Employee Add Complete <P>#StructCount(attributes.tempStruct)# columns added. </CFOUTPUT> </CFCASE> </CFSWITCH> --->