*****Hey! I have artwork to show off now!!!! Well, I did before, but I never took the effort to put it up online. ;) here it is!
Visit my gallery at Elfwood! Also, there's a banner link to Elfwood below if you wish to see other artists' work!
Sign this!!!! Ok, so it's my guestbook, but hey, I'm allowed to call it whatever...
Sign the Book of the Dead
So, you've signed the Book. Now, would you like to read other people's entries? Oh...did you not sign? Shame on you!!!
Read the Book of the Dead
Have you been caught up in the madness of the SCA? If so, and you'd like a bit of help along the way, this checklist I made might help you out while you pack for the weekend!
SCA Checklist
Y'know, at some point or another, you're going to realize, that at some point in my life, I had way too much time on my hands. Now, I just wander around wonder "WHERE IN HADES DID ALL THAT TIME GO?!?!?!?!!?" C'est la vie. The world is always going to bustle around you whether you're caught up in its throng or not.
Redundant Facts
Yup. Freebie stuff. I don't think most of the stuff in there works right now, but I could be wrong...
Hey, look! A gargoyle gallery. Well, sorta. There's all of two pics. The rest are lit/art related links. This section may be dropped sooner or later for something better. A library!
Gargoyle Gallery
What is a menagerie? It is some odd gathering of animals that probably don't want to be there. *ponders* I'm thinking it's along the lines of a circus. I think working in a circus would be scary. Why? Because we all know clowns have rabies and they bite people and eat them for snacks. Hmm....poor animals. they have to put up with stupid people running around like they think they're actually entertaining people. How sad. They should get that concept out of their head because their plan to rule the world is going to fall flat on its face because of the magma...
The Menagerie
Yeah, see what I told you, I had too much time on my hands. I scanned random things...I have a goldfish cracker too, but you can't see it 'cause I said so. So nyah! Ohhh...I feel all authoritive now 'cause I deny you the priviledge of viewing my goldfish cracker scan. Hehehe...
Redundant Scannings...I think...
Yup, more redundant stuff. Actually, i suppose to some people these links might not be too redundant.
Redundant Links
Hmm...maybe redundant isn't the right word here. Amusing seems to fit better, but going with the redundant theme, I'll just redundantly call it redundant.
Redundant Stuffies
Everyone's entitled to an opinion as well as the use of their stupidity. But guess what? There are those in the world (unfortunately it's the general populace) that are abusing their entitlement to use their stupidity.
Thought, Ponderings, and Theories
Tips. Pointy tips, smart ass tips...blunt tips. Hehehe. I dunno. It's more redundant stuff, I suppose. Perhaps. It hasn't been confirmed yet.
Uh...you really want to know about me? Are you sure? I'm really not as sane as I seem to be. *ponders* Hmm....let me get back to you on that...
About me!
Ok. So, are you done with this page already? Ohhh....I see how it is...fine! just be that way!!! Um. yeah...I guess you want to see the other half of my site now, eh?
The Fluffy Cult
Um. Ok. So I've moved my Thoughts and Rants section cause it was getting a bit lengthy...so...If you still wish to see it, it's still available.