I am a wife, a mother of three sons, a grandmother of one sweet fourteen year old young man and two precious little girls, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and an educator.
All of this describes me as I relate to others, and of course that is surely who I am....But I am something more.
I am me.
I am all of my thoughts, my memories, and everything I experience. I am a work in progress....and today I can truly say I am finally content with all that I have become....so far!
Though I have lived many years, I believe I have only begun to really live. Women, like good wines, improve with age.
(This is a gift from Kori & Matt)
I am the Special Education Coordinator at the Lincoln Charter School. It is an elementary school that promises "Success for All" and we are working to deliver the promise! The little ones I work with may be a challenge, but they are adorable. (Ya gotta love 'em!)
For many years I was also a psychotherapist. Several nights a week I saw clients at a private agency where I was contracted for my services. I worked with all ages and both sexes, but my practice was predominantly with women. I found there was nothing more rewarding than one woman empowering another. That's one of the things I love about so many of the women writers I've met on-line. Perhaps many women are finally coming to understand that we are sisters....not enemies. The work I did was a labor of love. Even on evenings when I found myself exhausted, I was also satisfied.
Since becoming the Special Education Coordinator of my school, though, I have had to give up my practice.
I have to have some time to play after all!
"Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world." Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
When I am not working, I love to write poetry and to work on my web site.
Magic memories of a child Magnify the voice of guile. Gone the days of Camelot, Clover and forget-me-nots. She who skipped along the shore Hearing voice of seashell's roar, Whose lilting walk through winter snows Has slowed because of all she knows, Faces life's redundant trials But cherishes her memories' smiles.
Oh, and I certainly have not shown the whole picture of me without mentioning one other pass time. I LOVE TO SHOP!! Osteoarthritis slowed me down for awhile, but I had bilateral knee replacements 2 years ago, and I'm back at it!!
My life, like that of so many of us, has certainly had its rough spots. There were times when life was only something to somehow endure. Perhaps that is why today I cherish the joy of each new day.
Through the help of some very special people I have learned to take care of me. I've learned that worry, guilt, and "should's" are all thieves. They steal precious moments that we can never get back.
Don't let them rob you -- Live well, and
Come see some special people in my life
Here are some things to think about