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Permaculture is a system of growing, farming and landscaping based on Nature's methods.  It includes edible landscaping, self-sufficency gardening, farming, and recycling natural resources, such as heat, water, organic waste.  The system is based on creating microclimates where a diverse range of plants are grown in non-regimented profusion to provide a wealth of food with as little effort as possible!

Dreaming of a Greenie's Garden of Eden is no longer necessary.  A source of nutrition as self-contained as possible, recycling waste, using natural materials when possible is within the grasp of anyone who cares to try permaculture.

The term permaculture was coined by Bill Mollison, the co-creator of a gardening/farming system which uses natural resources to maximise production.  Everything from heat storage to fire breaks, stock feed to tree crops are considered in this innovative new wave farming approach.

Yet farmers are not the only ones to benefit from Bill's life long study of nature. 

The city gardener with a small apartment can apply Bill's methods with equal success, using every inch of available space, inside and out to grow fresh edible goodies for the table.

Worm farming, the no dig garden, edible landscapes, mulching, plant varieties, wind break patterns, fish farming, chicken pens, the list is endless.  It's all there.  Everything you ever wanted to know on how to create your own little slice of Greenie paradise.

I dicovered permaculture by accident.    An article on a Bill Mollison devotee, Dave Edwards, who was growing nuts, fruits and veges, doing permaculture on a 1/4 acre section in West Auckland, New Zealand.    Something about the article took my fancy and I ripped the page out.   Two or three years later, I happened upon the stored news-clipping and decided to pursue the 'Mad Greenie' and check out his permaculture garden.  Dave tutors night classes in permaculture at Rutherford College in Te Atatu, Auckland.  As an ex-pupil, I consider the money ( $60.00 at the time) well spent, considering the information gleaned, trips to other gardens and freebie cuttings etc., that Dave generously gave from his own garden.  Dave and his partner are designing a large scale permaculture farm on their block of land near Kaiwaka.  For further info on the night classes, contact Dave via the link on the "Someplace Green" page.

I found plenty of information at the local library and on the internet.  But I recommend buying the original permaculture book by Bill Mollison, 'Introduction To Permaculture'. The information really is invaluable.   Full of common sense and gems of wisdom that can be referred to again and again.

Quite a few people seem to be searching for "The One Straw Revolution" by Masanobu Fukuoka.  To the best of my knowledge, this book is out of print.  It may be possible to obtain a second-hand copy via Touchwood Books (link on "Someplace Green" page) or  Amazon Books etc.  If anyone has a copy they would like to sell, please contact me, and I will make that information available.



All graphics and writings on this homepage are copyright of Anne Keller, 1998.
Exceptions to this are works and/or images which have been included with an acknowledgement and the owner's permission.

Enquiries and feedback on this homepage to: Anne Keller