
GtkMPM is both a command-line and a GUI for the MiKTeX Package Manager (MPM).

Current version of the program is 0.5.0 (a lot of rough edges ... but seems useful and stable to me).

It is NOT intended to be a replacement for the original MPM


  • Open Source software, License GPL2
  • Allows to View/Modify the packages in a MiKTeX Repository
  • Though I did not test it on other platforms, it should be cross platform. It is written in Python using the GTK+ toolkit
  • It parses the MiKTeX for performance reasons but the update, installation and removal of packages is performed through calls to original MPM.
  • Several options have been added to the command-line compared to the original MPM for convenience


View of the program, with information about the package and preferences about the distribution View of the program, filtering by name and title and preferences about the connection View of the program, with install and uninstall in queue and preferences on appearance

Quick Start


The MiKTeX Package Manager must be installed (with all its dependencies)
  • Python
  • pygtk
  • libglade
  • gksu2
    OPTIONAL: It will allow to run the program as user and install and remove packages in a write-protected directory asking the ROOT password at install time NOTE: gksu2 is currently only available on CVS for gnome-python-extras


  1. Download the sources of the latest release
  2. Untar the sources and run the setup (--record option is optional, but convenient if you want to uninstall later)
      $> tar -xvzf gmpm-latest.tar.gz
      $> cd gmpm-x.x.x
      $> ./ install --record installedfiles.txt
  3. The executable is called Just type that in a terminal to run the program. If you are on GNOME just look for the entry in the Menu under Office.
  4. Later, if you want to remove the package, just run:
      $> /usr/share/gmpm/


Just write me an email. My address is at the bottom of every page.