Volume 5, Issue 2
January 28
th, 1998

Issue Message (by RevBade)

Campus Support (by Hokuto Okuyama)

Studboy's Guide to Political Cartoons (by Studboy)

Virtual Reality? (by Demosthenese)

The Man (by Shuneboots)

Sanctuary-The Queasy Dream (by akáwasa)

Wrong (by Ghost)

The Sound Underground (by Deckard)

CHS Students Have No Opinions (by Corwin)


Issue Message
(by RevBade)

First off, I’ve gotten a lot of comments about the last issue in general. A lot of people thought it was one of the better ones, and a lot of people thought it was a "crappy" issue. People thought it was a good issue because we finally got some strong opinion articles in it. People thought it was a bad issue because it wasn’t "funny" enough. So, I am going to go over this one more time.

The Plug was not intended to be a paper full of funny shit when it started. It was a place for students to voice their opinion without fear of consuquences. This year The Plug has been mainly funny shit because that is what has been submitted to it. However, when people submit on opinion article such as the two regarding the "screw" incident, I sure as hell am going to print it. I may edit it some, but it’s going in.

I’ve gotten a lot of comments about the "Screw you Dickman" article, none of which were about the main subject of the article. The comments I got were about the harshness of the attack on Mrs. Kalk. And I agree, it was harsh. I personally had Mrs. Kalk last year, and have her again this year. I myself like Mrs. Kalk as a person, and I did learn in her class. At times it may have been a bit boring, but it just depends on how you look at things. They are what you make of them.

The point is, although I do have say over what does and doesn’t go in, so far there has only been maybe 2 articles I have turned away this year. So I don’t really control what each issue of The Plug is like. If I get funny shit articles, then I print funny shit. If I get opinion articles then I print opinion articles. So Don’t complain to me if you don’t like the type of articles that are printed, or if you don’t think an issue is funny enough. If you have comments then e-mail them to me, ‘cause I’m not gonna listen otherwise. I’m sick and tired of having people complain to me, or tell me what I should or shouldn’t put in. I hate it when people think that I somehow magically control whether the issue is funny or not. I don’t.

Campus Support
(by Hokuto Okuyama)

Campus Support, for those of you who don't know, are faculty members at CHS who walk the hallways during school to stop students from running, eating in the halls, stealing, fighting, having sex, shooting up drugs, murdering, gunrunning, or unscrewing the school. You know, all that fun stuff students love to do. Anyway, I'm writing this because I recently got called to the office by campus support, because various parts of the school (like light plates) were being unscrewed, and I was one of the suspects (I know of 2 other people that were called up). I was a suspect because although they didn't have any evidence that I'd been responsible for the stuff happening around school, I had unscrewed one of the desks in my class one day when I was bored. When I was talking to them, however, I decided I didn't like them too much, so I tried my best to piss them off. That was fun, until they suspended me from school for a couple of days and called my mom, who grounded me for a while. What they suspended me for was having a screwdriver set in my backpack, and more importantly, for refusing to let them search my backpack and not cooperating at all. Basically, what they did was to suspend me from school because they didn't like me; they didn't have proof that I'd done anything like unscrewing the school, but then, they didn't really need any proof; all they had to do was call my mom and tell her, "We think your son has been causing some trouble at school..." and my mom grounded me right then, because she trusts the CHS faculty to not deceive her.

The school is still being unscrewed, and campus support, especially Mr. Locey and Mr. Dickman, think that I'm doing it. I can, apparently, get in trouble for just being in a certain area, or for staying on campus after school hours. I was just walking through the locker room with a friend one day, for example, when Mr. Locey came up to me and warned me not to be there because "it looks suspicious". I don’t know about you, but I don’t like being told where I can’t go just because some guy doesn’t like me to be there. And lately, they've been a bit pissed at me, thanks to some articles written in the Plug by people who actually have been unscrewing the school. I think they're focusing their attention on me now because they're a little miffed that people are encouraging others to "take up the cause" of unscrewing the school, and they only have me as a suspect. Well, that's why I'm writing this under my real name, so they know I'm not going to just hide behind a pen name or alias for this. I'm encouraging all of you to find an quiet little corner of the school and unscrew something, because it seems to be driving campus support nuts, and I wouldn’t mind them being a bit more miffed.


Studboy's Guide to Political Cartoons
(by Studboy)

Yo yo dis be studboy. Iz all stoked 'bout da Alternator cuz like dis guys got ah penis fo ah head an he smells purty like daass oh da president's cat.

But da reason Iz busta move witcha dis time is cuz ya needsta know bout the political toons. Dis toon gotta exaggerate da facial features oh da subject an throw in da bin da trash like reality an shit like dat so yo gets dis punkass looking dickhead wit glasses whos wearin ladies shoes an holdin ah badass rag.


Virtual Reality?
(by Demosthenese - stomp_box@hotmail.com)

I’m a firm believer in the validity of a person's 'self' online. The people you meet and greet are no less real then those that pass you on the street everyday after work. In fact, some of them are more real, because they aren’t slaves to routine. They exist to present their ideas for comment and critique. There are some that are still just faces in the crowd, but the net is a kind of weeding out process in a sense. It's easier to access people's ideas, and a larger percentage of users present them.

What is it that makes a person? You view people in terms of their regular reactions to what you do everyday, no? You categorize someone based on how they react to what you do. Don’t people on the net do the same? A person doesn’t exist in this sense beyond the confines of your own imagination. Certainly people on the street have a physical body composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, but don’t people on the internet have a physical body stored as mere electrons?

People on the net are sometimes more real to me then anyone I see in the halls of my high school because they react to me more. I can pass unnoticed in my school, except when someone takes the time to say hi or stare contemptuously at me and make a rude comment about me as I pass by. The people i talk to online give me pages of responses to what i have to say. Therefore, on the principle that people exist as extensions of my imagination, are they not more real because they react more?

Think of this.... Were I to assume different names, and different personas where ever I went in real life, then wouldn’t each of those people and their respective characteristics be as completely real as the next in the minds of those people that i would meet and talk to? Just because the same physical body wears different personalities doesn’t decrease the reality of any given persona that body might wear....

Besides, you only perceive the physical body of someone in real life with your five senses, no? Then, do I give myself, say, an original icon, do I not gain that as my identifier and, henceforth, body? Were I to create an aspect of my webpage that, through real audio, used sound to introduce myself, then would i not enhance that self same body? Were people to go so far as to create pads that can assume a texture and some port to emit elements detectable by the olfactory system, then would that not become my body? Were I to do these things, would I not be born out of the electrons, even if I am still controlled by some lonely teenage boy at a terminal in south Dakota, people don’t see that person. They don’t hear his words, see his face, smell his unwashed clothing either.... They see only those things that I show them on my web page, and therefore, that is myself, in their minds..

Personality, contrary to the thoughts of most, is completely a mental conception. You have no identity, beyond that which is given to you by others, and that which you give them to be your own. There isn’t an intrinsic personality that is given to you when you’re born, and that you can wear around like a badge as you wander through your life.... All that you need have to be any person you choose, is a little practice, a lot of imagination, and a talent for acting I suppose.


The Man
(by Shuneboots)

The Man--A metaphorical manifestation of all social matrices present in "civilized" countries. To analogize; If the US(the system) was a giant gear and each citizen was a cog, then the Man would be the gear, and the cogs, small and meaningless indivdually, would be nothing but gear supports, as the system, the gear, would still function even if it's missing a few citizens.


Sanctuary-The Queasy Dream
(by akáwasa)

Science is delusional. All attempts by man at finding the answers to lifes’ eternal questions (e.g. why do we exist, are we inherently evil, what quantitative equation unifies everything, etc.) only bring up myriad additional questions. On these we needlessly waste time and brain power discovering and debating new scientific and moral concepts and theories. It's an endless cycle that does nothing except place our minds and hearts further from the beauty and simple harmony of organized religion.

Imagine how much happier and more content we'd all be with life if we would doubtlessly and faithfully put our complete trust into religion and the easy-to-understand answers that it provides. Particulars such as which religion you choose are far less important than is your total faith in and commitment to that religion. I would recommend whichever one conforms the most easily to your life-style (you can't choose the 'wrong' religion because the theology of each excludes that of all others).

Let's hypothetically say that you choose the ever-popular Christian religion. The answers to those eternal questions that you may have previously sought in vain for on your own accord are, within Christian teachings simply and concisely stated. Why do we exist? Because God Almighty created us. Are we inherently evil? We have inherited the sins of our ancestors and will continue to pass them on to our children. What quantitative equation unifies everything? Only God can know that, for He is the Alpha and the Omega. God obviously created that equation in the form that He saw fit.

Buddha also explained everything quite nicely. So did Mohammed. So does the Great Spirit. So do the teachings of the myriad gods of the Hindu religion. So did Bokonon. But Stephen Hawking? Forget it! He's the embodiment of everything that man was not intended to be by the creator(s) of the Universe.

Scientific advancements and the furthering of mankind's knowledge about the Universe by way of the scientific process has brought mankind little peace or happiness. The culmination of science's 'advancements' has created for us thermonuclear weaponry and other implements of war, disease, and mass destruction. These result in pain, depravity, misery, and suffering among mankind.

Because of pioneering in the medical world, we lead longer lives than ever before. However, if you happen to be a loyal Christian, then you know that the eternal glory of heaven awaits you after your body dies, hence there is little reason to attempt prolonging life. It is foolish to shun death and a quick entrance into God's kingdom when God has made you the mortal that you are.

If you want to go about life feeling worthy, confident, and loved for being the fallible human that you are, then you must close your mind to all of the confusion, chaos, and insanity of society by possessing a firm and unquestioning faith in the ethics of a religion. Believe whatever you want, but I recommend that you choose something which you can be happy and confident about. Often it's the only way to feel sane.


(by Ghost)

I’m a student among other things and the articles printed in The Plug, "A Bunch of Screwy Students" and "Screw you Dickman" really pissed me off. First of all, this is OUR school. Mine, yours. Those shits who take it apart are mearly vandil Bastards who don’t want to be here. Hey... Fuckers. Why don’t you come out with your name if you’re so proud of what you do! I’m pretty sure I know who a few of you are. I call you "friends", but I can’t respect what you do. I know it could be worse though.

The budget for schools in this education forsaken state is low enough without you adding micky mouse crap like screws and other broken or removed items to the price tag. Look around. The crap you are doing to this school has a negative effect on the whole student body. Maybe not because it makes them wonder if they’re in the right place, but from outside influences. Believe it or not, but the people who come here or drive by here, what do they see? Pierce street shits who’d do the state a favor by not even registering to school, because they don’t care about their classes. They’re just worried about when they’re going to get high again and if they’ll be able to bum a ciggarette off of someone or if they’ll be able to get someone to buy one for them. East siders, West siders, my ass. Most all of them originated here in Oregon. So to those on pierce - Get a life! And get the hell out of the school. Why would the community support us if all they see is crap like you out of class. Two words to describe you are, "White" and "Trash." Go fuck away. You’re dropping people’s opinions of the school and those in it. No wonder they don’t vote for anything that will Possibly save the ass of every school in the state. All they see is gang bangers and wanna be losers like you that are nothing but anti-athority pricks. If you have no interest in education, and it’s obvious you don’t or you’d be in class, stay home or infect another place with your petheticness.

To the rest of the student body who is trying to learn and work WITH the teachers, who most of which DO have a clue, more power to you. To those who don’t piss and moan about problems like a teacher is difficult, but advance because of it, you are more then respectful, and a big "eat shit" to those who try to look down on you. They can’t. They know it and it bugs the hell out of them.

To those of you who are dismantleing the school, are you really that desperate for attention? What the hell is wrong with you? That’s not going to change anything; at least not for the positive. Nothing happy comes our of your ruining another’s efforts to help someone. Think about it you uninformed Prick!


The Sound Underground
(by Deckard)

How many of you are sick of the perpetual misery in Corvallis and the Willamette Valley? Who’s tired of the floods, the multi-million dollar university buildings, the grouchy senior citizens and the weak wine? God dammit to hell, I am! But I’m not going to just complain, I’m going to do something.

Somewhere in some large city in Canada it gets so frigid during the winter that people go down stairs and holes to a subterranean level (that means underground, Studboy graduates) of the city. Supposedly, it isn’t that different from the city above it except for the roof in the sky. There’s flower stores, chocolate stores, book stores, even porn stores.

Here’s my idea. Everyone under thirty and those over without fists in their asses should just start digging. Dig, dig, dig until you hit some underground cave and find those schznits that live off of bat turds or deeper until you reach the earth’s raging hot magma and can deep fry the schznits. Hopefully, your neighbours will have caught on to the trend and will be somewhere nearby kicking up Jules Verne’s rusty crock pot. Start digging horizontally until you reach your fellow sub-Oregonians. After a network of caverns and tunnels has been developed (excess amounts of dirt can be dumped in Central Park) all sane people can reside peacefully in sub-Corvallis with hemp and schznit businesses.


CHS Students Have No Opinions
(by Corwin)

The title of this article is the first time that I've made that statement. And I only make it here to get the attention of a certain someone. This certain someone based a certain part of a certain article on a single political cartoon that I drew as a cover for one of the issues of The Plug. The cartoon depicted two faceless students sitting on the steps of CHS. One held a placard which stated "I have no opinion".

Do you really think that cartoonists honestly believe that Clinton has a nose the size of Moby Dick, or that Ross Perot's ears were donated to him by Boeing? Or that J from the Alternator has a penis for a head?

The purpose of my cartoon was to try to get CHS students to express their opinions. Unfortunately, the opinions expressed were that I am an asshole. Do you think I do this because it makes me feel good? Do you think I get up in the morning and say, "Gee, what a great morning! Time to go pursue the meaning of life: writing articles for CHS that nobody will give a shit about!". I do what I do because I care. I pay for The Plug every month because I CARE.

If that makes me an asshole, well, good. I hate you, too.