Brave Indian Scout

    Brave Indian Scout

    I'll hunt about the forest
    Stalk throught the trees
    Like a brave Indian scout
    Ramble round about
    Stand up proud, tall , and stout
    Nobe as a concrete lion water spout

    But I fear I've lost the bout
    Perhaps one will prod hid rodJust a brat who like to pout
    And on the noggin gets a clout

    Oh noble Indian Scout!

    In the Library Across the Table

    There's a pretty girl accross the table
    With fine glossy hair as soft as sable
    Though text I scan I read unstable
    Hoping for her friendly smile
    If by fortune, she is able
    To appreciate my winking eye
    Or humerous bullshit fable

The Muddy Index
Lazy Day Dreams
A Frustrated Cat