: : : A Thousand Tears : : :

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What IS Gothic?
The Kinder-Goth Quiz
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...This is just for fun...

What IS a "Kinder-Goth" exactly? Well, I believe it to be a person who really has no knowledge of the Gothic lifestyle, and is just in it for the attention. I personally do believe that one major point of the whole Gothic lifestyle is to accept people no matter what, except when there are people who exploit EVERYTHING about the Gothic lifestyle as these "Kinder-Goths" in question do.

1) Do you know who Bauhaus is?
2) Have you ever listened to them?
3) Could you name at least one extra band (or solo project) that has stemmed out of Bauhaus?
4) Are you OBSESSED with Marilyn Manson?
(ie: Would you kill yourself if Manson asked for all of his fans to do it? [which, by the way, he wouldn't do, because then he would lose all of your money!])
5) Could you name 5 late '70's or '80's Gothic bands?
6) Do you know who Robert Smith is?
7) Do you purposely purchase albums from certain bands just because they drive your parents crazy?

8) Do you wear all black because all Goths have to?
9) Would you rather die than wear any (other) color?
10) Do you have enough Manson shirts to last you a month?
11) Do you wear the kind of clothes that you wear just to shock people?
12) Is your hair dyed such a fake black that it rubs off on anything your hair touches?
13) Do you try making your hair long and greasy to resemble a certain someone's? (Manson, of course)

14) Do you go around all day/everyday complaining about how crappy the world is, and how you want to kill yourself?
15) Do you cut yourself all the time because you figure it's a really "Goth" thing to do?
16) Are you so angsty that you make Trent Reznor look amazingly happy?
17) Do you go around biting people and pretending to drink their blood? (Or do you just get a thrill and think you're a vampire if a friend allows you to drink their blood?)
18) Have you forgotten what it is to smile or laugh?
19) When you're on internet chat rooms, do you TyPe LiKe ThIs?
20) Do you make poeple call you a different name than your real one? (ie: Morpheus, Darkness etc.)

21) Have you become a Goth because it upsets your parents?
22) Have you become a Goth because you've now become the center of attention?
23) Do people actually call you a Kinder or Quantum-Goth?
24) Would you consider yourself a Kinder-Goth?
25) Do you like Rocky Horror Picture Show? (this has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with being a Kinder-Goth or a real Goth, but I just love the movie so much!


Give yourself one point (if you've answered yes) to questions: 4 and 7-24.
Give yourself two points (if you've answered yes) to question: 25.

Find out what it all means.

I know that, so far, this test is basically badly written, but I will hopefully make some changes soon. (I wrote this first copy during a Social Studies class with nothing better to do, so it was just basically a way to pass the time!)