
p1: My god what a horribly disgusting night! Look at it! How I hate those twinkling lights!
p2: Stars?
p1: No, those twinkly things that move...
p2: Move?
p1: Yes! Move! You see that? Those twinkly things that move.Twinkle LIGHTS that move...
p2: Airplane?
p1: No! Airplanes aren't twinkly lights that move! They're...well... they're made out of some metal. Don't be ignorant!
p2: Ignorant?
p1: Yes ignorant!
p2: Me?
p1: Yes you, ignorant you!
alien: beep beep beep beep
p1: Egad what is that little green beeping thing that came out from those twinkly moving lights?
p2: Extraterrestrial?
p1: My God, how ignorant can you be? Don't you know?
p2: What?
p1: Extraterrestrials aren't green little beeping things! They're just...well... they're just little green things, without the beeping bit.
p2: Really?
p1: Of course! Haven't you ever read those funny little...ehmmm... funnies?

Welcome / Piss Off / Irresponsibly Irritating Imaginations /
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