are here: DanceSport
Dance Addict is constantly with questions about DanceSport. So we decided to
put up this new section -- to
include the sked for competitions, list of winners, criteria for judging and
other dancesport concerns. Hey guys, would you be interested in costumes as
The Dance Addicts, at least these dance addicts, are not keen on
competitions, though we are confident we can give many competitors a run for
their money if we joined the fray. That's why we have never been conscious
about keeping abreast of developments in dancesport.
Yet we'd like to be able to meet the needs of many of our friends
and regular visitors. We are currently relying on the materials which our
friend Becky Garcia sends us from time to time. So until we have regular help and enough
materials to work with, we will maintain this sub-section instead. (Becky
promised to send in more materials after the 3rd National Congress.)
Why don't we make it a team effort? We are
invited everyone to contribute stories and information for this new
section. Anyone who contributes gets to have his/her name printed as
a byline. You can also have your own regular column or subsection if you
wish (and if appropriate). If you think this idea is possible, start
submitting your stories now.
We have visualized this section to be like a
newspaper page devoted only to dancesport .... obviously as opposed to
social dancing where we don't compete for honors against other dancers,
but for personal enjoyment.
We start off with
Announcements from the
DanceSport Council of the Philippines
DanceSport on Radio
The Dance Addict Vikky Bondoc-Cabrera will
guest on Becky's radio program on
Saturday, October 9. Do tune in.
CSTD... WHO??? A peek into the politics of international
CSTD's president replies