As a teacher I believe in sharing teaching materials with other teachers.
I try to present teaching material and ideas in the simplest possible fashion.
Please modify and customize the materials and ideas you find here if you like,
but then please share them again with other teachers around the world.
Jon Fernquest
The purpose of these materials is
to create rich contexts to learn language in.
Words, collocations, phrases, sentences, and questions
relevant to the everyday activities of businessmen
are the building materials.
The structures built include
topics, situations, stories, case studies to provide
a rich imaginary narrative context in which to practice language.
Discussion questions that only aim to tap
the students own experiences are
always going to be limiting.
Stories involving fictional characters that end with a problem
or dilemma to be solved give students
more hooks to hang their thoughts on, to relate their lives to,
and generate conversation from.