Edward vs Umaro (Again) : Ah ha! : Uhh...? : Sweet, swift vengence shall be mine! : Spoony bard... hehehe : Grr! I have my harp now, this time it shall be a truely epic battle of immense perportions and such and so forth and- : *tackles Edward* : ooooh *faints* : Me win again! : ... well that wasn't very long : It's a bard against a sasquatch, what do you expect? : Let's try it again *casts Life on Edward* : Ah ha!! *attacks Umaro by playing his harp* : ... nice *dances* : Feel the pain of my battle medly! *keeps playing* : *dances into Edward* : Eeek! *faints* : *poses* : ... : I think you're wasting your time : Just once more! *casts Life2 on Edward* : *hides* That creature is a menace : You'll never win like that... : Uhhh... *gets bored* : CHARM SONG! *attempts to charm Umaro* : ...? : It worked! : *attacks himself* Grah! : Take this! *hits Umaro with music notes* : No like... charm song! *throws Kain at Edward* : AAAA! : Ouchies! *faints* : I give up Winner: : Me win! Finally : My head hurts
: Ah ha!
: Uhh...?
: Sweet, swift vengence shall be mine!
: Spoony bard... hehehe
: Grr! I have my harp now, this time it shall be a truely epic battle of immense perportions and such and so forth and-
: *tackles Edward*
: ooooh *faints*
: Me win again!
: ... well that wasn't very long
: It's a bard against a sasquatch, what do you expect?
: Let's try it again *casts Life on Edward*
: Ah ha!! *attacks Umaro by playing his harp*
: ... nice *dances*
: Feel the pain of my battle medly! *keeps playing*
: *dances into Edward*
: Eeek! *faints*
: *poses*
: ...
: I think you're wasting your time
: Just once more! *casts Life2 on Edward*
: *hides* That creature is a menace
: You'll never win like that...
: Uhhh... *gets bored*
: CHARM SONG! *attempts to charm Umaro*
: ...?
: It worked!
: *attacks himself* Grah!
: Take this! *hits Umaro with music notes*
: No like... charm song! *throws Kain at Edward*
: Ouchies! *faints*
: I give up
Winner: : Me win! Finally
: My head hurts