BonusMail, E-Mail That Rewards You!
The Archive Room
Eager to know the history of this old place you open the door into The Archive Room.
The room is small and the only light is that from the candle you carry with you.
There is a small desk, so small you wonder if it could even be considered a desk, and it is surrounded by boxes and papers.  There are two boxes on the floor to your left.
The Boxes are labeled:
Previously Featured Poems
Previously Featured Short Stories
Leave the room
Leave The Room
You decide to leave the room, closing the heavy wooden doors behind you and continue down the hall
Places to go to from here:
The Library
My Favorite Room
Rooms Behind You:
The Archive Room
The Mail Room
The Welcome Room
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This page was last updated on December 30th, 1998
Copyright 1998, 1999 Antoinette Swanson All Rights Reserved Internationally