Founder members:
Penny Bostan, Betsy Burke, Miranda Drew, Dilys Frascella, Geoffrey Gray,
Peter Gregory-Jones, Ben Granger, Quentin Hutchinson, Shelagh Meagher,
John Rigg ,Peter Russell, Ann Seyfang.
New members:
You can register by filling out
this form . Please give us either your name or nickname, an
email address (this is optional but without it you will lose out on many
possible contacts), and finally a brief description of your writing. You
will then have the right to free use of the site and to have your work
on permanent show. If you wish to use the site without joining, you can
post texts on the message board, ask for our assistance through the board
or forms on site. The only limitation to non-members is the impossibility
of posting texts on our permanent showcase section. You can view the members
list here:
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