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Page 3

Proverb Literally Means True Meaning
"Lak bom ua chad era Ngerchemai el miltom ra uel el metom ra mlai." Don't be like the man from Ngerchemai who lost both the turtle and the canoe. Don't bite off more than you can chew...don't be selfish.
"Ngkora omenga el Raus, el sosokod e dikeang." It's like the way they eat in Ngeraus,as soon as they begin to enjoy the food, it's gone. When something becomes popular, it becomes unavailable.
"Kekora rubak era Ngerchelong el omtab era bngel era eabed." You're like the man from Ngerchelong who uses clouds to mark locations of his fishtraps. You depend too much on people who are unreliable.
"Ngkora Ngerchebal, el kal sind era Aimeliik el kal sind era Ngerkebesang." It's like the Ngerchebal Island, which is neither closer to Aimeliik nor closer to Ngerkebesang. He's indecisive or not clearly taking sides.
"Ngkora ibuchel era Ngemai el di kiei me a dekedekel." He's like the sea urchins between Ngiwal and Melekeok, on the ocean floor with its cover. He has become secure or wealthy without working for it.
"Ngkora beab era Ngaraard el kma lisiu me a lisam." It's like the rat of Ngaraard who eats others' cocnuts then return to eat its own coconuts. It's a decision or plan that will backfire.
"Ngkora mur ra Ngchesar, el di klukuk el di klukuk." It's like the feast of Ngchesar, postoned till tomarrow, then the next, and forever. You keep sayng tomarrow, tomarrow. You're lucky there's a tomarrow.

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