Proverb |
Literally Means |
True Meaning |
"Lak bom ua chad era Ngerchemai el miltom ra uel el metom ra mlai." |
Don't be like the man from Ngerchemai who lost both the turtle and the canoe. |
Don't bite off more than you can chew...don't be selfish. |
"Ngkora omenga el Raus, el sosokod e dikeang." |
It's like the way they eat in Ngeraus,as soon as they begin to enjoy the food, it's gone. |
When something becomes popular, it becomes unavailable. |
"Kekora rubak era Ngerchelong el omtab era bngel era eabed." |
You're like the man from Ngerchelong who uses clouds to mark locations of his fishtraps. |
You depend too much on people who are unreliable. |
"Ngkora Ngerchebal, el kal sind era Aimeliik el kal sind era Ngerkebesang." |
It's like the Ngerchebal Island, which is neither closer to Aimeliik nor closer to Ngerkebesang. |
He's indecisive or not clearly taking sides. |
"Ngkora ibuchel era Ngemai el di kiei me a dekedekel." |
He's like the sea urchins between Ngiwal and Melekeok, on the ocean floor with its cover. |
He has become secure or wealthy without working for it. |
"Ngkora beab era Ngaraard el kma lisiu me a lisam." |
It's like the rat of Ngaraard who eats others' cocnuts then return to eat its own coconuts. |
It's a decision or plan that will backfire. |
"Ngkora mur ra Ngchesar, el di klukuk el di klukuk." |
It's like the feast of Ngchesar, postoned till tomarrow, then the next, and forever. |
You keep sayng tomarrow, tomarrow. You're lucky there's a tomarrow. |