

Welcome to Aferg's Attic.
Come on in and make yourself at home. I'm upstairs going through the attic. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I have found up here. Just give a yell and I'll be right down to get us a cup of tea or coffee while you visit? I have been rather busy lately and haven't been able to work on he site as much as I would like. There's tons of stuff to look at, so walk around and I hope you enjoy your visit. I hope you enjoy your stay.Oh...and would you be so kind as to sign my guestbook before you go home?

Geocities Feature Page

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

I believe any woman who stands up for what she believes in is truly A Phenomenal Woman!!... I believe that God gave us a brain so that we may think for ourselves, not to do the bidding of other people. I feel that our children really do learn from what they see and not what they are told. I believe friendship is one of God's greatest gifts. And to have a friend you must be a friend, and teach your children to respect the beliefs of others even though they may not always agree with them.

If you click on this half of the heart,
it will take you to a very special friends site.
We met in 1984, when I moved next door to her.
And even though we don't live next door anymore.
My heart is never far from hers.
She is my friend and in my heart- a sister too!

Garden House Logo

You'll find when you smile, your day will be brighter..
And all your burdens will seem so much lighter.

  Helen Steiner Rice

Please take a minute and make someone smile today :)

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Hope's Prom Pictures Helen Steiner Rice POW/MIA Page
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e-mail me if you wish!

This Background set was made by me, just for this site. Please do not take it without my permission.

Walk of Life