Welcome to my Occasional Drowsiness section. Everything you read here (except that one thing) is intended as humor. Possibly even funny humor, which is my favorite kind.
I've learned that in order to make 40% of the population laugh (except that one guy), you almost need to piss off the other 60%. So, with that said, if you read anything in these pages that you disagree with, or find downright offensive, my suggestion to you would be to....
A) Deal with it.
B) Make your own web page, exposing me as a fraud and a ninny, and tell the world about how you are right, and I am wrong, showing me once and for all just who is who.
C) Write an angry letter about it to the Commisioner of the NHL.
Or choose one of your own! This is America, and the possibilties are endless, so make it a good one. Nothing cheap, ok?
Anyway, enjoy these essays and ponderings. Or not. Whatever.
Dr. Torgo
7/05 A River Pretty Much Ran Through It
11/03 The Cider Mill Guidelines
3/02 Alternate Reality- Pitched headlong into the weird world of Country Music
2/02 The Torture Game
11/01 Video Inspiration
10/01 Don't Be Fooled By Big Tobacco!!!
7/01 24 Hours in Area 51
7/01 A Feather in My Handy Cap
3/01 The Cereal Police
1/01 Part 3: The Gathering Storm
1/01 The Secret Life of Henry Ford
12/00 Stalking the Crusty Nightmare
10/06Ode to a Waterproof Shower Curtain
4/02 Six Degrees to the Dark Side
10/01 Nipsey Russell: The Man, The Legend
2/01 Mystery Science Economics
1/99 Star Trek XXXVII: The Wrath of Kult
10/05 Memories of a Friend