Sam is 6 years younger than me, making him 13 years old. He was born exactly one week before my sixth birthday when I was in kindergarten. Didn't think much of him at first. At first I was protective and stuff cuz he was just a helpless little baby and he was funny and F-A-T so I guess I liked him alright... but now he's thirteen. Previously on the verge of puberty but now... my goodness... GOING THROUGH IT! God help me. He's almost taller than me now, should be by the end of summer... I don't think I like this "looking up to my little brother" stuff. I don't think I'm going to like this one bit.
Sam is sooo hilarious sometimes. Just the crazy things that he used to say, like: "Uh-oh. I think I ate the sticker off the fruit again." I laughed for hours about that one! I think he just hears things wrong sometimes... it goes into his ear, gets bounced around his brain and comes out of his mouth... different. For example, he's named famous actors such as "Gilligan Anderson" and "Gilbert Godfreak." Also, he likes to read the well-known comic strip, "Calvin and Hoobies." Once I asked him if you knew what "Mardi Gras" was and his reply was, "Oh, you mean the tennis player?" That got me laughing. :) Then today he was like, "What's her name again? MacCaulay Culkin? OH NO! I meant SARAH McLACHLAN!!" Oh maaaaan...
He makes up some pretty funny stuff but I always laugh at his impressions. Like his, "Whadid I dooo, Boss, whadid I dooo?" and when he does impressions of infomercials. Sometimes I'm pretty impressed with all the stuff he's absorbed from the TV (it's actually kinda scary).
Lately, when his voice isn't busy CHANGING, Sam's been playing some "vintage" video games on computer, like Final Fantasy and Commander Keen 3. Did you know that the people who made Commander Keen are the same people that eventually made Quake and Doom??? Like, you go from shooting a ray gun that makes people dizzy, to bloody blood blood gory gore gore killing sprees? Perhaps these people somehow became slightly disturbed?
Once, Sam heard the DJ on the radio say "Sonny and Cher..." so then he said, "Hey, aren't those the 2 that went around killing people?!" After I laughed, he realized his error and said, "Oh... that was Bonnie and Clyde, right?"
Last Update: July 17/1999