

Simon Pics

My Concerts

My Collection


About Me

Frodo's Fantasy

Hello! Terri here, and I would like to welcome you to my very own website. This site was made in dedication to Duran Duran's fabulous singer, Simon LeBon. And of course I named it after me so that just in case Simon ever visited, he would know who I was. And yep, I've moved back to Geocities because Freeservers no longer had the FTP option, and I couldn't upload freely without it. Yipes! Eventually, I'll upgrade so I won't have any popups! Yuck!
I've been working quite a bit on my side project, for I have The Lord of the Rings, and I love it! Entitled Frodo's Fantasy, I'm adding stuff almost every day for that site, including my own fan fic, and lots of pics, quotes, etc. And as for the drawings, look at your own risk because they are my first in a LONG time!
Well then, shall we get started? Click on Simon to enter, or you can just click the links on the left side to see the pages you want!


Simon from Q magazine


Look everyone I got my first award!

May 2001!

Click this Shark to email me and let me know what you think about this site!

Remember you can also contact me through ICQ, YAHOO MESSENGER, and AOLIM

This is soo me don't ya think??

Thanks to Meg from the Website Dancing on the Valentine for the AWESOME graphic!!!

This site has been owned and updated by Terri D since approx. Feburary 1999. If you would like to use anything on here, please ASK ME FIRST-Thanks!

Any emotion dots are from EMOTION DOTS
Any shark graphics courtesy of DAVE'S ANIMATION and from DIANE'S SHARK CLIP ART.

I'd like to thank Simon LeBon and the rest of the members past and present of Duran Duran. Without you all, this site would not have been possible. You are the greatest, but that word never seems to be enough to describe how completely amazed I am at all times by you. Simon, what can I say but words just fail me when I think of you. I wish I was able to tell you in person what a wonder you are to me! One day....All my Love, Terri