Our Mission Is Simple...

and can be expressed by one scripture. Mark 16:15 "Jesus said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.'"

This is all we are trying to do. in this crazy world there is not much that is sure. Some say it's only death and taxes, but after taxes we usually get a refund. So, after death, there is still life. We are spirit beings, and our spirits will live on in one of two places. Heaven or hell. It is our discision, and only ours, to make. Before Jesus came, to attain holieness and heaven, we had to sacrifice animals, but now, since Jesus came to Earth and lived as a man, then died and rose again, we have salvation as a free gift. All we need to do to receive this gift is ask.

If you want to receive salvation, just believe in your heart, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and build a relationship with Him.

If you would like to meet your creator pray this prayer and believe it.
Lord Jesus, I come before You a sinner, and I ask You to wash me of my sin. I confess all of them before You. You have loved me more than any other person on earth and I thank You for Your sacrifice. Take my life and let it be what you will have it to be. I am no longer who I was, but am a new creation in You. thank You. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer email us and tell us about it.

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