Roland's World Masthead

It's more than a's a planet!

That's right, kids. Roland's World has grown to the point where it actually encompases 'Web pages beyond those of my own right here. Below are the Realms of Roland's World. These are pages that I've either actually had a hand in designing or doing the graphics for myself, pages that I asked the authors if they'd like to be a realm, or pages that I just liked enough to make an honorary Realm, even if they aren't actually an official Realm of Roland's World. So, with a drumroll and a flourish, I present to you, the very first incarnation of the Realms Navigator! (Note: Be sure to wait until the page is completely loaded before attempting to use the Navigator, or it may not function correctly).

The Realms Navigator

The Official Realms

Please wait until the page has completely finished loading before using the Navigator. Trust me, it works better this way. It won't take very long, I hope.

The Official Realms II

The Realms that I haven't got around to adding to the Navigator yet, either because I'm too lazy or I don't have the time, your pick.

Psychedelic Spice Hicksmith's Page
Twilightbear's Treetop Refuge

The Unofficial Realms

Sites that aren't official Realms of Roland's World, but ought to be.

Unicorn Point Lair of the Crippled Hellcat
The Tony Gene Clark Zone

Be part of The World!

Do you have what it takes to be a Roland's World Realm? The criteria are fairly simple: You simply e-mail me with your URL, and then wait. I'll go look at your page. If I like it, then I'll be sending you an e-mail in the near future with the notification of your page being added to the Realms, along with the necessary things to add a much smaller Realms Navigator to your page. Want to be a realm? Here's a couple of ways to make sure that you don't receive a polite rejection letter from me...

  • Your page has got to consist of more than links to stuff about yourself and your favorite sites on the 'Web because, in all honesty, I could care less. Your site is just one of a million others that may get one or two hits from your friends and you have no aspirations to greatness.
  • Nothing on your page can be in violation of the Geocities Content Rules. In a nutshell, no pornography, excessive profanity, things in violation of local or federal laws, etc, etc. Keep your site rated PG-13 if you wanna be a Realm.
  • Copyright infringement is very bad, and, as a programmer, I want nothing to do with it. Especially cuz I wouldn't want it done to me. Violating copyright laws? Forget being a Realm until you aren't.
  • Is your page just one of a kajillion of fanboy/girl pages that are practically identical across the 'Web? And you expect to become a Realm on the grounds of....what? Be original! Even if yer page ain't the best in the World, if it's original, funny, or just downright bizarre, you'll probably become a Realm if you want to be.

    And that's about it for the Realms, boys and girls. Enjoy your stay at Roland's World, and I look forward to hearing from lots of you about becoming a Realm. Ciao!

    The madness extends beyond the URL of the World thanx to the creativity and depravity of one Roland Foxx. A big freight train of thanks to Geocities for providing me with my own disk space and e-mail for bringing this to all of you. See them about getting your own free home page and e-mail.

    [Main] [Fun] [Pics] [Links] [Realms]
