[Message to the KKK]

If you STILL think that 311 stands for "KKK," you are WRONG!
This is the TRUE meaning of their name, and how they got their name-

"It has come to our attention that there is a very unsettling rumor circulating regarding the name of our band '311.' We have been told that certain white supremacist groups use the numbers 311 to represent KKK. This is a most unfortunate coincidence and one that is extremely disturbing to us. We would like to state for the record that this is completely at odds with our personal beliefs. We believe the only people worth hating are organized haters like the KKK. Anyone familiar with our lyrics knows how we feel. Our lyrics make a strong stand against racism and a strong stand for positivity &unity. The name of our band originally comes from an Omaha police citation for indecent exposure. We thought it was funny at the time. Now our name simply means - five friends from Omaha making music. Music that stands for peace and unity." Sincerely,

"Fuck the KKK" - 311
"311 means 5 friends making music - Nick

Their name actually stands for the police code in Ohmaha, their home town, of "Indecent Exposure." It all dates back to when they had a different guitarist, Jimmy Watson, when he was a teen-ager. He was caught skinny-dipping in a pool, and arrested. The police code for his arrest was


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