Mailing List/Fan Club

The 311 Hive 311's Official Fan Club. P-Nut's parents Pat and Joan run the Hive, and handle the e-Mails. When you're in the club, you have the best oppertunity to become the best 311 fan you can be. Joining the Hive is EASY.

311 HIVE
8904 Florence Dr.
Ohmaha, NE 68147-2417

Also, visit the 311 HIVE on-line, to find out more about the club. There, you'll also find THE MOST up-to-date info about 311. You can also call the hotline at


The UNITY Mailing List the best way to communicate with other 311 fans on the 'Net. The list is basically a message board... sent to you by e-Mail. You can voice your opinion, ask questions, and make friends. Joining is just as EASY

Send an e-Mail to: with "Subscribe" in the subject line, and NOTHING ELSE.

Or, just go visit the Unity Mailing List Website and read more about it.

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