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IQ Test #1

IQ Test #2

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-Ixnay on the Hombre




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The Offspring IQ Test #2

OK, so you guys thought MY test was easy? Try this one sent in by you guys out there.

Sent in by: §ilent §cream

1. When is Dexter's birthday?
A) December 29
B) January 4
C) August 25
D) December 27
E) He was born in a log cabin, so they're not really sure.


Sent in by: Matt Sankey

2. What Offspring song is on the I Know What You Did Last Summer Sound Track?
A) What Did You Really Do Last Summer?
B) Who Did You Do Last Summer?
C) Smash It Up
D) D.U.I.
E) Hey Joe

Sent in by: Chris C.

3. Which song is better, "Gone Away" or "Come Out and Play"?
A) Gone Away
B) Come Out And Play
C) Self Esteem
D) tie between A and B
E) my bottom really itches

Sent in by: Alan Wilcox

4. Who is the oldest member of the Offspring?
A) Dexter Holland
B) Noodles
C) Greg K
D) Ron Welty
E) Greg Graffin

Sent in by: Alan Wilcox

5. Who is the youngest member of the Offspring?
A) Dexter Holland
B) Noodles
C) Greg K
D) Ron Welty
E) Greg Graffin

Sent in by: Chris

6. How did The Offspring originate?
A) The four met at the grocery store
B) Dexter was introduced to Noodles through his older sister
C) The four met at a party thrown by Ron's older step-sister
D) Miss Piggy introduced them to each other
E) Dexter and Greg met at a cross country race


Sent in by: Pattywac

7. Who has [consummated with] Jenny McCartney?
A) Dexter Holland
B) Noodles
C) Greg K
D) Ron Welty
E) Pattywac

Sent in by: Julian

8. In what song does a guy start farting and taking a crap?
A) Time to Relax
B) Intermission
C) Disclaimer
D) Flatulent
E) Staring At the Sun

Sent in by: krystal

9. How old was Dexter at the start of 1999?
A) 5
B) 31
C) 32
D) 33
E) 34

Sent in by: Billy Joe 4 me

10. In which song are the words: "for you no way"?
A) Have You Ever
B) D.U.I.
C) Pay the Man
D) Come Out and Play
E) Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)

Sent in by: Tym Perilance

11. What does Greg K want you to do at concerts?
A) throw t-shirts at him
B) get drunk, spin around in circles, and then try to find the restrooms
C) throw hats on stage
D) throw Furbies on stage
E) start a huge mosh pit

Sent in by: Jacquline Chauvin

12. In the clip of the movie Americana off of the new CD, what does the guy do in the store?
A) purposely breaks the bottles of beer and runs to the van
B) eats all the doughnuts and runs to the van
C) shoplifts a case of beer and runs to the van
D) drops his pants in front of the sales clerk, puts them back on, and runs to the van
E) what van?

Sent in by: James

13. Where did Greg K. meet Dexter?
A) During a math club meeting
B) During a chess club meeting
C) Bert and Ernie introduced them to each other at their home
D) At a high school basketball game
E) On their high school cross-country track team


Sent in by: Tym Perilance

14. What was the name of Dexter and Greg's high school band?
A) The Clowns of Death
B) Spinning Fish
C) Manic Subsidal
D) The Offspring
E) The Smurfberries

Sent in by: chris dog from lv

15. Who in the band has 3 nipples?
A) Dexter Holland
B) Noodles
C) Greg K
D) Ron Welty
E) none

Sent in by: Alissa

16. What was Dexter watching when he wrote Come Out And Play?
A) Ricki Lake
B) Jenny Jones
C) Jerry Springer
D) Montel Williams
E) Sesame Street

Sent in by: Brandon

17. What was Noodles's occupation before being a full-time musician?
A) insurance salesman
B) a janitor at a school
C) worked in a yogurt and muffin shop
D) worked at a McDonald's in Orange County
E) lawyer

Sent in by: Candace Sheets

18. Who was the guy speaking in the hidden track on Americana (the one who says "and all the girlies say I'm pretty fly for a white guy")?
A) The guy from the old 1-800-COLLECT commercial
B) Jello Biafra
C) Calvert Deforest
D) A & B
E) A & C

Sent in by: Dré

19. How many seconds is the intro on Americana?
A) 4
B) 7
C) 9
D) 12
E) 20

Sent in by:  The Infernal Smurf

20. Which club was Dexter president of in high school?
A) math club
B) chess club
C) debate club
D) coin club
E) cross-country club


Sent in by:  The Infernal Smurf

21. Which band member claims to be a fan of the Beastie Boys?
A) Dexter Holland
B) Noodles
C) Greg K
D) Ron Welty
E) none



To find your Offspring IQ, just find the number of questions you got right on the left.

Your Offspring IQ is equal to the normal IQ of...

0__________________a basketball

1-5________________all the Backstreet Boys combined

6-10_______________50 starving supermodels combined

11-15______________MY pet goldfish

16-20______________a doctor or lawyer

21_________________You're good. I officially pronounce you "Offspring Genius."

If you really did get all the questions right (or if you came pretty close) then click here and take home your "Offspring Genius" bumper sticker. Just copy it, print it out, and stick it on your wall, locker, car, window, or whatever, I really don't care, and let the world know!

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