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May the victims of
this terrible day
never be forgotten.

10/31/01:    I Hope They Don't Call!   
Everyone will think I'm crazy when I say this, but I really don't want my car back.  If you didn't already know, my poor new Saturn is in the shop because the Saturn mechanics messed up all the wiring when they installed my stereo.  Now the dash lights have been fried all the way to the switch, and I can't drive at night.  So on Monday morning, after school, I dropped off my car at the Saturn dealer.  At this point I knew it would be at least a day until it was finished, and I was expecting to be driven around by my mom for the next two days.  Fun, I know.  But to my surprise, I was presented with a shiny, brand-spankin' new rental car.  That's right, a rental car!  The term rental car really doesn't do it justice.  I like to refer to it as my temporary upper-class transport.  This thing is loaded!  It has a CD player and tape-deck already installed, power buttons left and right, electric seats, and it even has defrosters built in to the mirrors!  On top of all that, its got an engine under the hood.  This baby is silent.  If I blew past you at 95 mph you still wouldn't hear it.
    Really, why do I want to keep this car?  Because it's huge!  It has a free tank of gas in it, and its spotless inside and out.  What else could anyone possibly ask for?  It's a gold mine if you ask me.  So now it's Wednesday, and the good people at the Saturn dealer called yesterday to say they hoped to have it finished by today.  But why hurry?  As long as their working on my REAL car, I'm living off this free beauty.  I was expecting some POS 1985 Loner that barely got above 50 mph.  But no!  I have a 2001 Saturn L-series that is absolutely free!  What a deal!
    In other interesting news, I had my first English mid-term today.  Boy was that a waste of time.  You know I had to buy this blue book thing that cost 25 cents.  Its really just tiny binder paper with wider lines.  So we wrote a 1500 word essay in roughly 45 minutes.  Impossible you say?  I agree, I didn't finish, nor did anyone else in the class.  I don't know if you saw the Quote of the Week feature at the top yet or not, but here's another good quote from my Calculus class today.  "Where should I stick the 'r'?  Well, I know where you want me to stick it, but that's beside the point."  That's from good old Mr. Sawka.  His jokes are really terrible, and that one was related to where you place the 'r' (rate) in a basic money problem.  It was funny.
    Not much else to report from the MV front today.  I hope you all have a great Halloween!  I'll be at Cubberly High School playing volleyball all night from 8pm-11pm.  It's so fun! 

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Christastically updated on: 02/04/02

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