20th Century Guestbook * Livre d'or du 20ème siècle * Cartea de oaspeţi din secolul 20
2001 Guestbook * Livre d'or de 2001 * Cartea de oaspeţi din 2001
Name (+ City,
Country) : fibel tudorita , campulung mold.
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Imi place muzica. tu ai facut-o? e faina. pa te
}}} I
like the music. Did you write it? It's fine. Bye, I kiss you..
Name (+ City,
Email : artistshow_agency@yahoo.it
URL : http://www.artistshowagency.com
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Ii nostri complimenti per la sua pagina...per il
suo profilo. Con l'occasione porgiamo i nostri migliori saluti.
}}} Our
compliments for your page, for your profile. On this occasion we send
you our best salutations.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Alina Ionela - Braila/Iasi
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Sunt impresionata. Am vizitat in fuga paginile
tale si am fost uimita de palmaresul tau impresionant. felicitari! (in
fuga pt. ca a inceput sesiunea).
}}} I
am impressed. I visited your pages quickly and I was astonished by
your impressive accomplishments. (Quickly, because the exam session
has begun.)
Name (+ City,
Country) : Si P., Iasi Ro
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Imi place la nebunie albumul (in special cantecul
"Double Square" si varianta lui remixata). Cantecul
"Another Wasted Day" mi-ar placea la fel de mult (poate
chiar mai mult, pentru ca are o linie melodica EXCEPTIONALA) daca i-ai
pune niste versuri mai putin lacrimogene ("ceva" care sa
exprime o iubire neimplinita sau neimpartasita sau .... altceva). Pina
cind vei face acest lucru (si daca-l vei face, vei creste in ochii mei
pina la stadiul de EXTRATERESTRU- caci va iesi "ceva" pentru
care adjectivul "exceptional" va trece pe o treapta
superioara de comparatie, deci extraterestra), ma voi multumi sa
ascult varianta remixata.
}}} I
madly like the album (especially the song "Double Square"
and its remixed version). I'd like the song "Another Wasted
Day" as much (maybe even more, because it has an EXCEPTIONAL
melody line), if you put in some less tear-some lyrics (something
expressing an unfulfilled or unrequited love or... something else).
Until you do that (and if you do, you'll rise in my eyes up to the
state of EXTRATERRESTRIAL - because "something" will come
out for which the adjective "exceptional will go on a superior
then extraterrestrial step), I shall be content with listening to its
remixed version.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Ramona Balau - Aiud
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : CD-ul a ajuns cu bine. L-a ascultat mai mult
baiatul meu si...i-au placut unele piese. Nu ma prea
asteptam....el are 15 ani si asculta Eminem, 50 cent si mai stiu eu ce
... O sa-l ascult pe indelete o sa-ti mai scriu
}}} The
CD has come safely. My boy listened to it more and he liked some
pieces. I hardly expected that... he is 15 and listens to Eminem, 50
Cent and whatever. I'll listen to it and I'll write you again.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Nicu Pauna SLATINA Romania
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Imi place muzica ... asta ai mixat-o tu ?
}}} I
like this music... Have you mixed it yourself?
Name (+ City,
Country) : Mihaela Poponete Bucuresti
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Am ascultat, mi s-a parut ceva ... (recunosc,
prima oara ciudat) deosebit, care totusi necesita o anumita stare
...de spirit. Oricum te felicit pentru conceptia, daca-i pot spune asa,
nou abordata!
}}} I
have listened to it, It seems something (I admit, strange at the first
time) different, that requires, however, a certain state of mind.
Anyway, I congratulate you for the newly essayed outlook (if I may say
Name (+ City,
Country) : Niculina Casu Doru - Bacau
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Iti multumesc pentru CD, ne-au placut compozitiile
tale proprii si poate vom mai castiga si urmatorul album.
}}} Thank
you for the CD, we liked your own compositions and maybe we will win
the next album.
Name (+ City,
Country) : JANE fromfrancewithlove (UK/France)
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : I have visited your web pages, several times in fact as
I love the changing picture of you!! I've been to amazon.com and
downloaded 3 of your songs. It's strange having someone I know in
writing serenading me at home, hearing your voice makes it much
more intimate. You don't sing very much, do you?
I thought there'd be more words to it than that. Some parts were
not very clear, but I enjoyed it all very much. While your
composing is easy to listen to, it's very eclectic. "Hey
Buddy" sounds quite space theme-ish, then when it took off, it
reminded me of attraction park music. You know, a
"chase the clown" sort of thing. It was fun! My
favourite clip is "Double Square". It sounds very
classical, and I liked the dynamics of the drums (Tchaikovsky or Grieg
inspired?) and the Vivaldi-like violins.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Andreea Chis, Timisoara Romania
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Am reusit si eu intr-un final sa ascult tot CD-ul de la tine.
Sa stii ca imi e util pt. ca in munca mea cu cifrele e recomandabil sa
ascult muzica fara versuri. Asa ca muzica ta imi prinde numai bine.
Cel mai mult imi plac melodiile 4 si 8!
}}} I
have finally got to listen to the whole CD from you. Know that it is
useful to me, because in my work with figures it is recommendable to
listen to lyrics-less music. So, your music does me good. I like the
most melodies number 4 and 8! ["Hey Buddy 2" and "Don't
Call Me a Jerk (Remix)"]
Name (+ City,
Country) : Oxana Turcanu - Bucuresti
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Confirm primirea albumului, pt care iti multumesc mult. Imi
}}} I
confirm the reception of the CD, for which I thank you very much. I
like it!
Name (+ City,
Country) : Floarea Apetri IASI
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Mai, n-am ce zice....altceva decat ca acesta e unul
dintre cele mai misto site-uri pe care le-am vizitat pana acum!!!
Felicitari producatorului!
}}} I
have nothing else to say... than this is one of the coolest sites I've
visited so far! Congratulations to the producer!
Name (+ City,
Country) : Marina Ardelean -Bucuresti Romania
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Am primit Cd-ul.Multumesc.
O parere....Nu am avut timp sa ascult prea bine
dar la prima auditie e dragut. Numai bine.
}}} I
received the CD. Thank you. One opinion... I haven't got time to
listen to it carefully, but for the first hearing it is nice. All the
Name (+ City,
Country) : irina buzau
Email : yrene2100@yahoo.com
All-times favourite song : casutsa noastra
Comment : frumos!:)Bafta-n viitor!
}}} Beautiful!
Success in the future!
Name (+ City,
Country) : Anca Pepelea - Brasov, Romania
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Trebuie sa recunosc ca muzica ta e ceva
aparte:) dar e placuta,
chair daca eu nu inteleg prea mare lucru, totul e sa ma obisnuiesc.
}}} I
must admit your music is something special, nevertheless pleasant,
even if I don't understand some of it. I only have to get used to it.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Petronela Untu Iasi RO
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Am navigat de n-am mai putut pe site-ul tau.
E absolutamente coplesitor.
Ma, ce om mai esti si tu! Te admir sincer si ma bucur ca te cunosc.
Esti prietenul meu cel mai special.
}}} I
have been surfing my guts out on your site. It is absolutely
overwhelming. What a person you are! I sincerely admire you and I am
glad I know you. You are my most special friend.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Beniamin Buzdugan Timisoara
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Mulţumesc frumos pentru gestul tău
de a-mi oferi şi mie creaţia ta! Albumul a ajuns cu bine,
iar la o primă audiţie, sună destul de interesant.
Mi-au plăcut îndeosebi piesele nr. 9 şi 3. Dar, cine
ştie, după ce voi asculta mai mult, voi găsi din ce în
ce mai multe gânduri şi în celelalte piese. Oricum, felicitări!
Multe salutări din Timişoara!
}}} Thank
you for your gesture of offering me your creation! The album has
arrived in good condition, and on the first listening it sounds quite
interesting. I especially like songs 9 and 3 [Another Wasted Day
(Remix) and Another Wasted Day]. Who knows, after listening
to it again and again I'll find more and more reflections in the other
songs too. Anyway, congratulations. A lot of greeting from Timisoara.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Banciu Irina - Buzau Romania
Email : yrene2100@yahoo.com
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Am primit caseta, mersi.AAA.....versurile
sunt tari,nu gluma! Sunt chiar originale si-mi plac foarte mult,chiar
ai talent.
}}} I
have received the cassette tape, thank you. Oh! And the lyrics are
mighty, no kidding! They are creative and I like them very much, you
really are talented.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Nina Giuglea CANADA
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Imi place ca ti-ai pastrat simtul umorului
dupa "7 ani de mlastina". Ti-am vazut site-ul dupa ce ti-am
trimis primul mesaj. Am fost in Arad pina anul trecut cind am venit in
Canada. M-au impresionat realizarile tale in domeniul muzical si ma
bucur ca am descoperit site-ul tau!
}}} I
like to see you have kept your sense of humor after 7 years of
"swamp". I saw your site after I'd sent you the first
message. I was in Arad until last year when I came to Canada. I was
impressed of you achievements in music and I am happy to have
discovered your site!
Name (+ City,
Country) : Lia (Ursu) Tugui, Suceava
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Daca abia acum am aflat de tine am pierdut
mult, nu-i asa?! Promit sa ma pun la punct si mai vorbim! Bafta mare
in tot ce faci si sa-ti fie sufletul la fel de plin ca pe vremuri!
}}} If
I only found out about you now, I must have missed a lot, haven't I? I
promise to update and we'll be talking. A lot of success in all you
are doing and may your soul be as full as in the old times!
Name (+ City,
Country) : Dan Axente, Galati
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Sarbatori fericite si La multi ani ! I saw
your pages. They are great. I like your job. Go on !
}}} Happy
holidays and a Happy New Year! [...]
Name (+ City,
Country) : Marina Buciuscan - Chisinau MOLDOVA
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Cele mai calde urari de sanatate si
realizari in tot ceea ce iti propui, cu ocazia Craciunului si a
Sarbatorilor de iarna!!!
}}} The
warmest wishes of good health and achievements in everything you plan,
on the occasion of Christmas and the winter holidays!
Name (+ City,
Country) : Iuly Magda iasi
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Ce pot sa-ti spun?Am vizitat paginile si-s
}}} What can I say to you? I have
visited your pages and they are fine.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Anca Mesinschi Romania
Email : Galbenush@hotmail.ro
All-times favourite song : Der tag klingt aus
Comment : i ve seen comments about your music and i
look foward to listen to it.Hopefully we will meets sometime and i ll
be able than to listen to it.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Surdu Maria iASI ROMANIA
Email : super_jupiter64@yahoo.com
All-times favourite song :
Comment : salut imi place chestia asta. esti
simpatic.tine-o tot asa profule
}}} Hi, I like this stuff. You are nice. Keep it up, teach!
Name (+ City,
Country) : ANA-MARIA BURUIANA... Vladeni, Iasi
Email : anaro19@yahoo.com
All-times favourite song : WITHOUT YOU
Comment : Sper ca toate astea sa te duca la succes
}}} I hope all of this will lead you to success.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Ada Stancu, Iasi< Romania
Email : ariadne_elizabeth@hotmail.com
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Din tot ceea ce am citit te pot creiona ca
fiind o persoana foarte sensibila si profunda; iti doresc sa-ti
realizezi visurile si tot ceea ce doresti sa devina realitate. Succes
si incredere in tine, in viitor si in Dzeu.
}}} From
all I have read I can sketch you as being a very sensible and profound
person; I wish you to fulfill your dreams and all that you desire to
become reality. Good luck and trust in yourself, your future and God.
Name (+ City,
Country) : livioara Buzau Romania
Email : stii tu
URL : ce e asta?
All-times favourite song : la fel
Comment : vorbesc cu un geniu si nu stiam? sa-l
manince mama pe el de destept:).cind vin in iasi sa-mi cersesti o
intilnire si sa ai horoscopul in mina. livioara
}}} Am I talking to a genius and I
didn't know it? Is he smart or what? When I come to Iasi, beg for a
date with me and have the horoscope in your hand.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Alina (Romania)
Email : alysam123@yahoo.com
All-times favourite song : Winner takes it all(ABBA)
Comment : Sa ajungi faimos asa cum sper sa ajung si eu.
}}} May you become famous as I
hope I do myself. Good luck!!!
Name (+ City,
Country) : puiut
Email : secretlove_jfy@yahoo.com
All-times favourite song : TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE
}}} I love you, baby, like I have
never loved anybody... You were, are and will always be my baby!
Always on my mind!
Name (+ City,
Country) : TC Factory, Sweden
Email : sgroth@bredband.net
URL : http://www.mp3.com/TCFactory
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Hi, surfing around at mp3.com, I listened to your tune
"Nimble Empress", and think it is great, keep it coming !!!
greetings Sören
Name (+ City,
Email :
URL : http://gandhi.httprequest.at/~sacha/new_page/indexjs.php
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Hello nice page and it downloads very fast,
enjoyed it very much, take care. The internet is a great place to
showcase art and increase awareness in the variety of excellent work
available. Do also visit mine at SACHA DRAWINGS Hope you don't mind if
Name (+ City,
Country) : Donna Knight USA
Email : mktg@downlineclubs.com
URL : http://www.ineedhits.net
All-times favourite song : Dangerous - Depeche Mode
Comment : Nice colors on this site. For FREE Hits to
your site, check out mine at iNeedHits.net!
Name (+ City,
Country) : Diana Singer Necula - Bucuresti
Email :
URL : astromania.mmxent.com
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Ai amestecat in "Frozen Water" o
gramada de stiluri muzicale. Inceputul este FOARTE PROMITATOR. Mi-a
placut foarte tare caseta, am ascultat-o de la cap la coada. Sincera
sa fiu preferam sa-mi fi trimis un CD, care n-ar fi fishiit. Anyway,
da-i inainte cu tupeu (hehehehe)!
}}} You have mixed a lot of
musical styles in "Frozen Water". The debut is VERY
PROMISING. I liked the tape very much, I listened to it all the way.
Sincerely, I'd rather you sent me a CD, which wouldn't have been
hissing. Anyway, keep it up with an attitude (hehehe)!
Name (+ City,
Country) : Debbie, Largo Fl.. USA
Email : bear4me2@netzero.net
All-times favourite song : Dream believer
Comment : I love your new site.. it is great.. Keep
the great work up..
Name (+ City,
Country) : Luiza; Romania+Belgique
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Hi! Nice music! Luiza
Name (+ City,
Country) : Sophia comeagain, China USA paltalk
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Hi,there:This is Sophia that Chinese girl
you spoke to yester night. I have downloaded your five pieces of
music. ?°Another wasted day?± is my favorite one and I would really
enjoy that. The lyric you sent me is also very helpful. I can easily
follow you as I am trying to sing it. I would also like ?°Hey, buddy
2?± very much. It gives me a carefree mind whenever I listen to it.
That was so nice talk to you on that night. I was very impressed. u r
really something, that was great. As I known, you open a music room on
pal talk sometimes. Please let me know what time you should be there.
Have a good one! Keep in touch.
Name (+ City,
Country) : felix p / timisoara / romania
Email : wakax@yahoo.com
URL : http://mabento.dk3.com
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Sorin, - pagina ta e placuta - textele's deosebite
- le-am savurat - ma intreb de ce postuurile de radio nu transmit
muzica ta ; in plus am ascultat si cantecele ! si recomand si altora ;
ce pot sa-ti doresc decit succes...
}}} Sorin, your page is pleasant - the texts are special - I have
savored them - I wonder why the radio stations don't play your music;
in addition, I have listened to the songs and I recommend them to
everybody; what can I wish you but success...
Name (+ City,
Country) : Carol Brown, London
Email :
URL : http://url.co.nz/carolbrowndances
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Hi Sorin, I am in London now. Sorry to have missed you
in Iasi. Did you come to our performance? Some pop songs too. Enjoyed
your website. Do you have a CD you could send me, I would like to hear
some of your music but don't have MP3.
Name (+ City,
Country) : esctasy, India
Email : esctasy@vsnl.net
URL : http://www.momsgarden.20m.com
All-times favourite song : titanic theme
Comment : good Web site Thank You
Name (+ City,
Country) : Chris Wilding, Melbourne, Australia
Email : chiasma
All-times favourite song :
Comment : I have visited both your website and mp3!
You are such a talent! I listened to all your songs there, and was
particularly moved by "Another Wasted Day". It made me cry.
I could relate to these lyrics, although maybe not in the same sense
as you experienced it. There is a melancholy about you, a true artist.
You should sing more about you, your life, your challenges... You
deserve all success in your life and endeavours, and I really hope you
are discovered by the right people, someone who can promote you, so
that you can follow your desires. You have a depth in you that is very
uncommon in people today. I was also interested in the fact that you
are an astrologer. Maybe you can explain to me what "double
square" is next time we speak.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Gabi Stoian AUSTRALIA
Email : gabe@optushome.com.au
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Am incercat sa fac download de la geocities
dar pagina nu se arata (page not available) Oricum pari un om
interesant si (de la capatu' pamintului, din Australia) iti doresc
noroc in toate aspectele vietii tale caci stiu cum e in Romania...
Sanatate!. Bune.
}}} I
have tried to download from geocities but the page doesn't show up.
Anyway, you look like an interesting man and (from the end of the
world, from Australia) I wish you luck in all aspects of your life,
because I know how it is like in Romania ... Good health.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Cornel Diaconu, Bucuresti, Romania
Email : corneld66@yahoo.com
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Mai intai as vrea sa spun ca mi-a placut
enorm piesa "Another Wasted Day"; as indrazni sa spun ca are
... atingerea geniului ;) Celelalte piese insa le-as considera doar
... suportabile. Nu au nimic deranjant, insa nici sclipirea (chiar
stralucirea de la "Another...") De ex. "Hey buddy
2" prin motivele sale folclorice este haioasa (prin asta atrage
intai atentia ;) In mare parte, piesele celelalte mi-au adus aminte de
... Pink Floyd si de motivele pentru care erau considerati psihedelici
in perioada primelor 4-5 albume ale lor (cam pana la "Ummagumma"):
ruperi de melodicitate care mi-au inspirat ca si la ei sentimentul de
experimente sonore (in mod deosebit "Don't call me a jerk" -
care mi-a amintit foarte mult de Ummagumma). Nu arata rau, insa mie
mi-a placut enorm "Another..." si le-as fi preferat pe toate
in acelasi stil. A, si inca ceva: eu sunt mai mult tipul de om care
prefera muzica instrumentala (J.M.Jarre aproape ca este idealul meu in
materie - se prea poate sa fiu sub influenta lui cand apreciez alta
muzica ;( )
P.S. Daca par prea critic, ar trebui sa spun si faptul ca la mine
prima impresie asupra unui "album" este intotdeauna de
subapreciere (chiar la Jarre, de care scriam mai sus, primele auditii
ale albumelor sale mi-au lasat o impresie de usoara dezamagire, insa
audierile repetate au mai atenuat sau chiar schimbat parerea).
}}} Firstly,
I would say I loved the song "Another Wasted Day"; I dare to
say that it has a touch of genius. I'd consider the other songs
only... sufferable. They have nothing annoying, but not the brilliance
of "Another" either. For example, "Hey Buddy 2",
by its ethnic theme, is funny. In general, the other songs reminded me
of... Pink Floyd and of the reasons for which they were considered
psychedelic during their first 4-5 albums (approximately up to "Ummagumma"):
melodic breaks that suggested a sense of sound experiments (especially
"Don't Call Me A Jerk" reminded me a lot of "Ummagumma").
It all does not sound bad, but I loved enormously
"Another..." and I'd have preferred all the songs in the
same style. Something more: I am the kind of person that prefers
instrumental music (J.M.Jarre is almost my ideal in the matter - it is
very possible that I am under his influence when I assess other
music). PS: If I seem too critical, I should also say that my first
impression on an album is of under-appreciation (even with Jarre, the
first hearings of his albums left me a little disappointed, but
repeated hearings wore out or even changed my opinion).
Name (+ City,
Country) : Magda Buliga (Sinaia)
Email : corinamagdalena@yahoo.com
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Multumesc, pt caseta, am primit-o chiar de
mult dar nu am reusit sa-mi exprim parerea pana acum. Muzica e... tare
ciudata mi s-a parut mie. Sunt si parti care imi plac. Tu ai facut
asta? Dar nu te lua dupa parearea mea. Daca eu nu am reusit sa o
inteleg nu inseamna ca altii vor considera la fel.
}}} Thank you for the cassette, I got it some time ago, but I
haven't succeeded in expressing my opinion so far. The music is...
very strange, it seemed so to me. There are parts that I like. Did you
do that? But don't mind my opinion. If I couldn't understand, hat
doesn't mean others will think the same.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Sorin Roiban, Delray Beach
Email :
URL : Ziare.TV
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Am ascultat piesele muzicale gazduite pe
internet (mp3). Bune.
}}} I have listened to the musical pieces hosted on the Internet (mp3). Good stuff.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Elena Manailescu, Bucuresti
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Referitor la caseta pe care am "castigat-o"
mie mi-a placut. Am un vecin care este in clasa
a IX-a la liceul de balet din Buc. si i-am imprumutat-o cu placere.
Acesta a fost prima idee care mi-a venit in minte cand am ascultat
prima melodie. E potrivita muzica de pe caseta pt. realizarea unui
spectacol video - teatru si balet...
}}} Regarding the cassette I won, I liked it. I have a neighbour
in the 11th grade in a ballet high school in Bucharest and I lent it
to him with pleasure. This was the first idea that I had when I
listened to the first melody. The music on the cassette is suitable
for a video show - theatre and ballet.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Ioana Bianca Damirescu, Bucuresti
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Albumul tau este...
Name (+ City,
Country) : Adriana Iancu, Bucuresti
Email :
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Caseta a ajuns in Bucuresti de luni iar la
mine abia aseara. Multumesc mult. Ma asteptam sa aud ceva diferit dar
te-ai intrecut pe tine insuti. Mi-a placut in mod deosebit "Un
autre jour rate" iar atunci cand am ascultat "Don't lose
your shadow" parca am intrat in atmosfera Mike Oldfield. (Ai
ascultat albumul Platinum?) Asa ceva nu prea auzi la radio. Ce pot sa
fac eu este sa o recomand prietenilor mei.
}}} The
tape got to Bucharest on Monday, and to me only last night. Thank you
so much. I was expecting to hear something different, but you have
surpassed yourself. I particularly enjoyed "Another Wasted
Day", and when I listened to "Don't Lose Your Shadow"
it seemed like entering the Mike Oldfield atmosphere. (Have you
listened to the "Platinum" album?) Such stuff rarely can be
heard on the radio. What I can do is to recommend it to my friends.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Ninel Aldea, Bucuresti
Email : scrabble@fx.ro
URL : clix.to/frsc
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Salut Sorin, mi-a facut placere sa te votez
in Top 100, ce mai faci? Din pacate, nu nu am deloc aplecare pentru
muzica; iti doresc sa te bucuri de acesta pasiune. Ninel.
}}} Hi,
Sorin, I enjoyed voting for you in the Top 100, how are you doing?
Unfortunately I have no inclination to music; I wish you enjoy this
passion. Ninel.
Name (+ City,
Country) : Andreea Draga, Bacau
Email : andreea123321@yahoo.com
All-times favourite song :
Comment : Buna!N-am nimic de comentat!Super tot!Pa!
}}} Hi!
No comment! Everything is super! Bye!
Name (+ City,
Country) : RalucaO
Email : ralucao@estcomp.ro
; ralucao@yahoo.com
All-times favourite song : Cred ca-mi place toata muzica
ta (mai ales ca te cunosc)
}}} I think I like all your music (especially that I know
Comment : La multi ani! Fericit sa fii si nu care
cumva sa te opresti din drum. Muzica ta: imaginatie, delicatete,
rafinament si in acelasi timp forta, pasiune si vigoare. BRAVO!
}}} Happy New Year! Be happy and don't dare to stop your march.
Your music: imagination, delicacy, refinement and, at the same time,
power, passion and vigor. BRAVO!
(entries in reverse order)