(For your convience, you can find links to all of the programs required to open these files through the icon links at the bottom of the page)

picfile.jpg (2619 bytes)

Pictures (.jpg/.gif) of cast members and other various Flash Forward related stuff.  All pages are enabled with thumbnails and when clicked on, show the image at full size so you can save it. Authors Note: In the Character section, some of the characters have pictures for them on their pages. These characters will be denoted with stars (*) on the FF Characters page.

Becca Pics  Tucker Pics  Christine Pics  Miles Pics
 Tucker and Becca Pics  Tucker and Miles  Misc Pics1 Misc Pics2
Becca and Christine Pics  Disney Promos

exclusivehdr.GIF (1932 bytes)

Ok....here's something that the Disney channel's page itself hasn't had for download in a LONG time, the Flash Forward intro/themesong. Here it is in full color, and 8 bit mono sound (if I had the equipment to make that better, I would). So, go right ahead and download, I have only request though, please, DO NOT leech off of this link on your own page if you have one. It will just hurt everyone else who downloads from this page. Thank you, and enjoy.

Flash Forward Theme (2.4MB, QT movie)

If you want a self-contained QT file of ONLY the song, please download it here. For Win95 users, you can open it either in QT Movie Player, or the Active Movie Player (my preference). On the Mac, good ol' Movie Player should work just fine.

You wanted it, you asked for it, I got it for you, without further ado, I give you a must-have for every Flash Forward fan:
"The Kiss" (.mov file- 4.5MB)

wavfile.jpg (2026 bytes)
Sounds (.wav) Format- Click description to hear or right click/save-as to download
(sorry but most of these are just the ones Disney has :(

"Well, if he's only interested in your body than he doesn't deserve you." (Asia 52.9KB)
"Are you sure?" Becca (21.9KB)
"Well, twenty-six girls, one guy, you do the math." Tucker (82.9KB)
"I've got one word for you, Don't Lose!" "Uh, that's two words Tucker." Tucker to Miles (67.3KB)
"I'm a blank?" "Oh, MAN!" Tucker (48.6KB)
"I don't think so!" Becca (24.8KB)
"Well DUH!" Becca (15.7KB)
"Excuuse ME?" Becca (23.1KB)
"I'm OK, I just need to sit down, or maybe lie down, maybe get a body transplant." Becca (179KB)
"Well excuse me while I go and drive blunt pencils through my eyes." Becca (73.8)
"You do realize what that was all about don't you?" Becca (50.5KB)
"This is so juvenile." Becca (28.0KB)
"What?" Becca (14.3KB)
"Yeah." Becca (10.7KB)

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