Stars: Sammo Hung, Leung Kar Yan, Chang Yi, Chong Fat, Wilson Tong
Director: Sammo Hung
1980, Hong Kong, Grafon Films

A young man named Chan Wing (Sammo Hung) is searching for a master to teach him kung fu. He wants to have a good teacher so he challenges a lot of guys and the one who can beat him he wants as master. After beating up a couple of guys he finds Leung Cheung Yau (Leung Kar Yan) who doesn’t want to teach him kung fu because he already has to many problems to take care of. But Chan, who’s a pain in the butt, follows him everywhere until Leung is so tired of him that he takes him as his student. Leung who has some problems with a relative doesn’t want Chan to get involved, but when Leung’s wife is sequestered Chan is forced to help.
One of my personal faves!
I’ve never seen Sammo or Leung as good as here, they are awesome showing off all their skills in the excellent choreographed and fast fight scenes. Sammo rules the acrobatics and kicks, and Leung the hand techniques.
Wilson Tong is excellent too, using incredible foot techniques near the end of the film. After the movie he was given the name of "The Footdoctor" for his excellent footwork. And it truly is darned great.
Chang Yi in one of his best roles as Leung’s one-eyed mischievous brother does some excellent moves and looks really mean. He's a great actor hear too.
As in many other movies Yuen Biao did the stunts, Chang Yi's kicking is obviously Yuens work.
After you’ve seen this one go and see an American martial arts movie (something like the super-silly "Mortal Kombat") and you'll note how superior kung fu movies are.
Unexpected ending. BUY IT!!!
