Sound Name
Stephen is a police sergeant, writing down the
particulars of an arrest at the station counter. Hugh is
on the other side, looking sheepish.
Stephen And the vehicle belongs to you, does it sir?
Hugh Yes.
Stephen And your name is?
Hugh Right. Hold on a second. (Hugh gets a lighter out of
his pocket) Ready?
Stephen Yes.
Hugh My name is Derek ... (Hugh drops the lighter onto
the counter)
Stephen What are you doing?
Hugh That's my name.
Stephen What is?
Hugh This. Derek ... (Hugh drops the lighter again)
Stephen That's your name?
Hugh Yes.
Stephen What? Derek (Stephen drops the lighter) ... is
your name?
Hugh Yes.
Stephen What kind of name is that?
Hugh Well it's my name.
Stephen Unusual, isn't it, Mr ... (Drops lighter)?
Hugh If I had a pound for every time someone's said
that ...
Stephen And how do spell ... (Drops lighter), Mr ...
(Drops lighter)?
Hugh It's as it sounds.
Stephen Uhuh. Yeah but I wonder if you'd mind actually
spelling it for me, would you?
Hugh Well I mean, can't you just ...
Stephen I'd be very grateful. If you wouldn't mind.
Hugh N-I-P-P-L hyphen E.
Stephen Nipple.
Hugh I beg your pardon?
Stephen Nipple.
Hugh Nipple? Where? What are you talking about?
Stephen N-I-P-P-L-E ...
Hugh Hyphen E.
Stephen Hyphen E ... spells Nipple. In my book. It does
not spell ... (Drops lighter).
Hugh Have you gone mad? What's the matter with you? I
thought the modern policeman was supposed to be
a highly trained law enforcement unit. You can't
even spell.
Stephen Alright, Mr Nipple, address?
Hugh looks around.
What's your address?
Hugh Are you talking to me?
Stephen Yes.
Hugh You want to know my address?
Stephen Please.
Hugh Or do you want to know Mr Nipple's address,
whoever he is?
Stephen Your address please, sir.
Hugh Alright. My address is Number twenty-two ...
(Hugh tapdances, slaps Stephen) ... Kings Lynn.
Stephen Now watch it.
Hugh What?
Stephen Just watch it.
Hugh Watch what, for heaven's sake?
Stephen You do realise, do you, that assaulting a police
officer is an extremely serious offence?
Hugh Yes, I imagine it probably is. Very serious. But
telling a police officer your address, on the other
hand, is probably not very serious, is it? Or is it?
Perhaps the law's changed since I last looked.
Perhaps the Home Secretary has had to take
stern measures against the rising tide of people
giving their address to policemen whenever they're
asked to.
Stephen Alright. Alright. My fault. Ask a stupid person and
you get a stupid answer.
Hugh I beg your pardon?
Stephen So, can I just check this with you, Mr ... (Drops
lighter) ... ?
Hugh What?
Stephen Just to make sure I've got this right. Your address
is ... number twenty-two ... (Tapdances, punches
Hugh) ... Kings Lynn?
Hugh No, no, no! What's the matter with you? Are
you deaf? It's ... (Tapdances, slaps Stephen) ...
Kings Lynn.
Stephen Oh I'm sorry. I though you said ... (Tapdances,
punches Hugh) ... Kings Lynn.
Hugh Well I didn't.
Stephen My apologies sir. I can't read my own writing.
Hugh Well get a typewriter.
Stephen If only we could afford it. Actually, at some
angles, this almost looks like ... twenty-two
... (Tapdances, hits Hugh with a cricket bat) ...
Kings Lynn.
Hugh That was too hard.
Stephen Oh I'm sorry sir. You're right. We really should
get a typewriter.
Hugh That was too hard.
Stephen Well sir, you must admit that it's an unusual
address for anyone to get the hang of ...
Hugh Never mind the fucking sketch! That was too hard.
That really hurt.
Stephen Oh diddums. Did the nasty actor hit the poor little
twerp ...
Hugh Fuck off.
Hugh exits.
Stephen (To camera) He's just a child really.
Stephen Until you've been there, you
don't really have any idea
what it's like - I shouldn't
think. I'm not sure, I've never
been there.