Cocktail Ending 1

Cocktail Ending 1

	Hugh and Stephen address the camera at the end of the 
	show: they are in black tie and Hugh is sitting at 
	the piano.

Stephen		Well that's just about it for this week.

Hugh		That's right. Time the old enemy ...

Stephen		Oh shut up. So it's good night from me ...

Hugh		And it's good night from me.

Stephen		We're going to leave you with tonight's cocktail
		recipe. This one's called "A Slow Snog With A
		Distant Relative". For this you'll need two measures
		of brandy, three of rum. One measure pink gin, one
		white. A dash of lemonade, a sprint of orange-juice,
		a spoonful of crushed Sugar Puffs, two hard-boiled
		eggs and an open-toed sandal, size nine if you can
		get it. Hit it Mr Laurie, if you'd be so very kind.

	Hugh strikes up a jazzy sort of riff while Stephen mixes 
	a "Slow Snog With A Distant Relative", spilling drinks 

Stephen		My only criticism of David Icke
		is that he doesn't go far enough.
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