IB COS didn't just start off so easily. It was formerly known as ECA 1, but I guess the members were intelligent enough to realize that the name wasn't taking us anywhere. Tak best!
So, COS it became. We are Computer Science students, thus that should be potrayed in our class' name.
This homepage will bring you a summarised version of what IB COS
actually is,..what and who it is made up of,.. and err..alaa..malas nak cerita kat sini la. To find out more, well..that's just what you have to do! Find out more through this homepage!
Uh.. by the way, thanks for visiting. Don't forget to drop a line or two in the guestbook, wokey!
Many thanks to guru Sani san. Without him, rasanya the very first version of this homepage tak wujud kot... Visit Sani's homepage.
Thanks also to the members of IB COS 94/96 for their support, ideas, encouragement, bla, bla.. in making this website a success.
Not to forget all others who have contributed ideas and opinions and the such, in the making of this site. Thanks!
- From the webmaster. -