OK pretty much mostly the Iguazu falls but these were the best shots so just be thankful.
Just in case you don't believe me, here I am at the falls, Brazilian side I believe. Don't worry, the hairdo has improved since then.
Oh they are beautiful alright, a must see for all. Argentinian side this time, hermoso!!
They friendly group who wondered around in awe with me on the Argy side of things. Two lovely Belgian sisters and a frenchman of dubious moral standards from the stories he told me.
What? You thought there wouldn't be a shot of me topless? Don't be silly, it's a given. So here I am exalting in the spray of water caressing over my naked flesh, or something like that.
And don't worry, I did manage to find a couple of locals in Rio to show me a good time...errr...show me around...well you know what I mean. Actually one Brazilian of some Colombian decent and a Mexican, now living in Rio of Portuguese and Uruguayan parentage! A blind date with either (or both!) for the first to pick which is which! (Flights to Rio de Janeiro not included)
Good to see someone else is struggling with the tanning process. Mari and my fellow albino Simon compare tans. Simon from London has the enviable english teaching position of Copacobana, Rio de Janeiro, gee are your students pretty Simoninho? I wonder, you lucky bastard.
Ok not technically Brazil but there is no Miami section. Blatantly the shuttle launch shots didn't come out so this 'My god that launch was amaaaaazing!' photo will have to do. British Rich helping out with driving, car rental and superb facial expressions.