Local Dining

Mouth Watering Local Style Plate Lunch

With its multicultural make-up, Hawai'i has lots to offer in the way of dining experiences. Anywhere on the island you'll be able to find all types of ethnic restaurants including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Filipino and Mexican. Also, like any other major city, O'ahu also has most major fast food chains like McDonald's, Burger King, Jack in the Box, Taco Bell, etc.

To get a real taste of the local dining experience you'll want to visit any one of O'ahu's numerous local drive inns that specialize in local styled plate lunches.

The Plate Lunch

The local plate lunch developed from the various cultural traditions that make up Hawai'i. Historically Hawai'i developed through the plantation industry as immigrant workers moved to Hawai'i to work on the sugar and pineapple plantations. These ethnic groups included Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Puerto Rican workers. These workers would bring with them to work their lunches which included ethnic dishes. As time evolved the local plate lunch evolved.

A traditional plate lunch usually includes rice, macaroni or potato salad with some type of meat dish. Favorite meat dishes include Japanese styled Chicken Katsu and Teriyaki meat, Korean Kal-bi Ribs, and American styled Pork cutlets among others. Listed below are links to O'ahu's most prominent local plate lunch restaurants.

Click on these links to visit some of O'ahu's best places to get a plate lunch!!!
Diner's Graces Inn I Love Country Cafe KC Drive Inn L&L Drive Inn
Likelike Drive Inn Loco Moco Drive Inn Rainbow Drive Inn Spot's Inn Zippy's

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The Virtual Guide to O'ahu Created by:

Jonathan Wong and Randy Gomabon

This site maintained by Jonathan Wong. Mail all comments, suggestions, etc to:


Copyright 1999-2000. The People's Productions

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