Venice, Italy - November 15, 1999 .. November 21, 1999

Venice was our favorite. There were no cars or scooters - we could relax while walking on the "streets" in Venice. Yes they have "streets" there. They are roughly 2 meters wide (some were a little less than 1 meter; some where about 3 meters).

When it rains, as it was while we were there, the water level comes up on the side walks .... oh, "streets". Due to this, we purchased some goulashes - so to blend in you see. Actually, by the end of the trip, we had completely reworked our attire to fit the weather conditions - boots, hats, gloves, scarfs and jackets. We looked like I-talians by the time we left. I was even asked directions in Italian by someone. (I hope they found the Cathedral.)

Napoleon was one of several who stole the 4 famous bronze horses which date from the 4th century. This is a replica of the originals. The originals were eventually brought back to San Marco, Venice in 1204 and are standing about 15 meters from this spot - the real ones looked very worn (still wasn't able to snap a photo - no photos allowed; save the ones you'd buy).


