Month 6
January 1, 1999 - January 31, 1999

Jan 1 ~ Jan 7 ~ I only have one more week's worth of meds left. I didn't feel too badly this week. I have the feeling I am just so used to the sides, that it just seems like normal to me now. My skin isn't getting any better. The itching is driving me crazy. I thought about bathing in cooking oil, but I figured the doggies would think I smelled like a french fry and want to lick me all over!  My husband's work changed their insurance company at the first of the year so we are waiting for our group member cards. I'm real worried that they won't come in time for me to renew my prescription. I hate to keep doing this start stop stuff. I know it can't be good for the virus or my liver.

Jan 8 ~ Jan 14 ~ Well I do my last shot this week. Still no news from the insurance. They seem to be dragging their feet. I called and told them I was in DESPERATE need of my meds, but because of HMO rules, I have to go to the new PCP first, get authorization, then go to the Gastro...then HE gets authorization for the meds and I can have them. I can't do any of this until the Insurance gets us in their computer and mails out the member cards. Hopefully, someone will get on the stick this next week and get me back on track.
Being off the meds this week has been weird. I've had a constant headache! I wonder if I am going through any kind of withdrawals from the meds? Still no appetite, but I am sleeping GREAT without the meds! I was able to catch up on a lot of lost sleep and I really needed it.

Jan 15 ~ Jan 21 ~ I'm still having the headaches, but they are easing up. My appetite is a bit better too! I have noticed the past few days that my liver seems to be hurting like it used to. I haven't had the right side pain in months and this worries me. Before starting treatment, I was an insomniac. That has returned. Instead of waking in the middle of the night, I am UP till the middle of the night. (This was normal for me for years, though). I did find out that it will be another 7-10 days before I get my meds.
I contacted the Dr and asked his nurse for some bloodwork to be done. I'll get the form next week and go in right before starting up again. I want to see what being off for a month has done, both to my LFT's as well as my viral load.

Jan. 22 ~ Jan. 31 ~ Ok I am officially depressed now. STILL have no meds. I get the feeling I am the only one who is concerned about this. I asked for labs to be run and a new PCR to see what the break is doing to me. My LFT's went up...not over normal, but darned near. The GGTP did go over normal, and it had only gone DOWN to normal a month or so ago. I notice that my cholesterol seems to fly all over the place. My platelets are doing great though. They are at 110 now and thats the highest they have been in nearly a year! The PCR hasn't come back yet. I'm real worried that the viral load will be there. We were so close in November to going undetected.
I finally got my state disability check. It took them forever to get it here, and it was only for 3 weeks, but its back on schedule now.
I've been having doubts as to whether I should even go back on the Rebetron. Its obviously not working too well and I know I haven't responded like I should have. Maybe its time to try something else. I'm trying to get in to see the Dr and talk to him about all of this before they finally do get me my meds.


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