Month 7
February 1 - February 28

Feb 1 ~ Feb 7 ~ I am now officially at the "WHY ME" stage. On the 1st I went to see the Dr to find out what the heck was going on. I had to CRY to get in to see him. I was so depressed about not having my rebetron. (believe it or not) He didn't even realize I still had not started it up again. I sure feel like I am the only one who thinks this is important. I am supposed to get the stuff 'sometime' this week. I can't help wondering if I had Cancer, would the insurance have drug their feet like this? Somehow I doubt it.
I got my PCR results back on the 4th. I was only off Rebetron 18 days when we did the test. My viral load came back with 1,711,300. It was only 474,000 to START with. I just about dropped my teeth. It just amazes me that it went so high so fast. It was only 2,860 in November. I guess we pretty much start all over now. Next month will be a year on treatment for me. (the first 4 months I was on IntronA ony.) Talk about a setback....I swear my name must be Murphy. Still no word on the Rebetron, but at this point I don't really care. It's obviously not going to work on me so I'm not even sure I want to start over with it. The sides will be as bad as the very first time I took the stuff and I'm not so sure I'm ready for that either.
As of the 7th I still have no meds and am beginning to not care anymore than anyone else is. I'm having strong doubts about even doing it anymore. Everyone blames everyone else for the mess but no one is doing much to fix it. I am getting alot of things done around here though, and am eating pretty good! At least I'll have a bit of a running start when the weight starts to drop again. Hopefully it won't drop like it did last year. I can't afford to lose 45 more pounds!!

Feb 8 ~ Feb 14 ~ Well, after talking to the Dr, then the main insurance (Prudential Health Care), then to the IPA, THEN to the pharmacy people I found out whats going on. NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING!! On the 9th the pharmacy people called and assured me I would finally get the meds on the 10th. I'm not holding my breath because I know my chances of getting hit by lightening are better than this stuff being delivered tomorrow! We shall see! I do plan to go in the morning and do another PCR, chem panel, and CBC. This way, I will know exactly where I am starting from.
YES VIRGINIA THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS!! Well, I'm not so sure that's the right expression, but I GOT MEDS TODAY!('bout time) I'm getting the bloodwork done on the 11th and will start up again on the 15th with the Rebetron. (why waste a good weekend?)

Feb 15 ~ Feb 21 ~ WHEW!! I knew the first shot was going to be a doosey but I think I forgot how BIG of a doosey it was going to be! I got the chills, temp of 103, body aches, headache, just like the very first shot a year ago. Thank goodness they get better, or at least easier to deal with.
Actually the first shot was done with alot of trepidation. I should have been finished with treatment by now. Having that month with no meds really set me back a long way. I've decided to give this stuff 6 more weeks. I want a PCR then and if there is viral load...I QUIT. I will either go to high dosage, daily INFERGEN or nothing. I can't keep doing this to my body. I figure a year on INTRON and 8 months on Ribavirin should be enough to do the trick. If not...toodles to Schering!
The rest of the week wasn't nearly as bad as that first shot! I didn't really start getting short of breathe until Saturday and I slept most of the weekend. On shot nights I had a bit of trouble sleeping, but nothing like I had the last year. I've also noticed I don't have the diarrhea problems yet either. (This is a good thing!) The headache is here, but so far not too bad. Maybe this time my sides will be much easier to handle.

Feb 22 ~ Feb 28 ~ This was a pretty normal week, meds-wise. I have pain in my right side but only now and then and it isn't too bad. Mostly a twinge once in a while. My appetite is starting to wan a bit but I haven't lost any weight so far. I'll do my first blood work next week to see how fast everything drops! I'm hopeing the platelets won't go down too fast but at least if they do, I have a decent supply stocked up! (hahaha)
I've been alot more tired this week and the shortness of breath is bothering me as well. I know that will ease up though, as it did the first time. My hair is again coming out too. At least it had a month off! I'm getting more used to wearing the wig and got a couple more snazzy hats to wear too. I've been walking the doggies about every other day too, and that seems to help me feel a bit better. Tired!! But still better!

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