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Only one person how has lived the experience of sailing on
sail-boat, know the feeling of freedom, the integration with nature and the inter-action
with among the crew.
Even the moments like "struggle" (like during a storm) are - after they've
passed - pleasurable...everybody has a tale and a new experience to tell. And, assurelly,
there are always many stories.
We used to say, jokingly, that motor-boats are means of transportation and sail boats are
leisure...In reality this means that to go from one point to another in the sea on a sail
boat, you are only sure of the departure time. The arrival depends on some factors such as
which way the
wind blows (almost always the opposite direction you want to go). the sea condition, etc.
To have an idea, the trip Rio/Angra dos Reis it's approximately 70 nautical miles and has
been done by us in 12 hours (normal) and in 17 hours.
In they return, it has taken us 28 hours (under extremely difficult conditions).
Besides sailing, to spend some time with the boat anchored at some uninhabited and
protected bay is certainly a most pleasurable thing. The silence, where one hears only the
noise of the sea at the beach and on the boat hull. The birds on the forest (in the is
islands of Ilha Grande Bay the forest comes practically to the sea), creates an atmosphere
which is totally unusual to our everyday living.
To wake up in the morning, go outside the boat and see everything around you. The forest's
green mirrored on the ocean, giving an indescribable coloring to the water; a fish jumping
out of the water; the sun rising from behind the mountain and hitting the sand from the
beach. All this
together makes up a scenario which can only be really felt by someone being there.