Long ago there was peace. The nations were happy with each other, there was no war. Then the orcish Hordes came into Azeroth. The Azerothiens rushed to the defense of their country. Thus began the First War... However hard they tried the people of Azeroth could not stand alone against the might of the Horde, and they were forced to retreat. Lothar led the landless people of Azeroth to Lordaeron after the Orcish Hordes had decimated their homeland. King Terenas of Lordaeron granted the Azerothiens land so they could start a new life of war, fighting the Horde. Thus began the Second War... This time the humans were ready. They had formed a mighty group to fight, called the Alliance. Some nations refused to join, but it was still the greatest force known to mankind. This force fought hard, and pushed the foul Orcish Horde back to their homeland. But the rift was still preasant, and it must be entered by the Alliance's best, and the orcs must be destroyed forever. Thus began the Third War...
Mabye some Helpful tips, maybe not :)
What have I been doing to my page?
Shlonglor's War 2 page
A very good War2 page, definently worth cheking out - probably the best there is!
Shaff's War2 Page
Very good, alsmost as good as shlonglor's!
Not enough Puds here? (I understand:)) This is the place to go!
Shaun's War2 Page
An... intresting page :)
Doefreaker's page
Metalica, Descent2, and some muliplayer PUDs (cool backgrounds, too)
Mist Dragon's homepage
Not much to do with War2, but a cool page nonetheless:)
Please only make links to my index page (http://geocities.datacellar.net/TimesSquare/8424/)
For those of you who took that last threat seriously, jeez, ur dumb!
I don't have the need nor time to do that! And as you can see from my
links section, I don't really care about other links, but if you ask
I'll give you one...
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