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Barren Realms Elite Monthly Biography

The BRE Biography is a monthly posting of a BRE player. To be chosen as a subject person, this BRE player must show an above average level of skill, leadership, honor, or bravery.

Because this is the first issue of the BRE Biography, I will be the subject person. This is to show everyone what the format will be like so if they are asked to do one, they will know how to organize it.


Handle: microthick
Call Him: Rory
Realm Name: microthick yeow! (usually in high ASCII)
Age: 16
Birthdate: January 12th, 1982

History of BRE Career

On November 21st, 1996, microthick entered a BBS online game called Barren Realms Elite for the first time. He had heard of this game from many of his friends, all of whom had said it was a better game then LORD, and was curious about it. At first he found that the game was VERY confusing but he stuck with it. With the help of his friends he learned what you were trying to do in the game. Hehe.. who would think that you'd need regions for anything. Anyways, slowly he became a competent player and learned some of the vital secrets of the game... investing, region selection, the tax trick, etc. After about 6 months of non-stop playing he finally got over the 100mil NW mark for the first time. It was a glorious moment.. for everyone.

Well, now a year and a half later, microthick has silently made a name for himself. He is not considered a GREAT player but as one with good leadership abilities. A person who will honor other BBS' and knows many good strategies for leading his fellow barons to victory.

Microthick often takes CO responsibilities on WOWZERS! even though that he does not particularily like the job. He does it because no one else does and someone needs to take control. He believes that EVERYONE that is serious about the game should be given the oportunity to CO a league because it teaches a lot about the game. Plus, if one person CO's every single time no one would know what to do if that one person were to bust up his modem.

Microthick can be found in many leagues around the world, most notably 002 and 222. He and WOWZERS! have still to go negative but that should soon happen.

Most Memorable Moments

- having the whole WOWZERS! team killed off by R-Squared with global group attacks
- going over the 100mil NW mark for the first time
- creating this web page
- being part of the Canadian alliance that kicked American ass in GamesNet for so long.

More are soon to come for sure!

Some People To Mention

There are many people to mention... lemme see.

Prominence - For being a good friend and fighting with me when needed.
Legion of Doom - For the constant hockey updates in the BRE messages.
Speed Freak - He taught me many of the games biggest secrets.
White Dragons - Showing me that you should not rely on investments and that you should always have attacks out.
Ghostrider - For being one of the old schooler's out there and for helping WOWZERS! kick ass!
Kick Ass Blaster - Just for bing there... :) Too bad he doesn't play anymore
Shadow Realms - Hehe.. For being the sysop of WOWZERS!
And last but not least...
Mehul Patel - For creating BRE!

Some Final Words

Remember, BRE is a game. Life comes before it. Hehe... but take it seriously. If you are gonna play, play as often as you can. Others may be depending on you. At first the going may be tough but follow the BRE player's ethic's and things will be fine.

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Contact Rory Hansen at microthick@yahoo.com with suggestions, comments or questions.

Copyright © 1998 Rory Hansen. All rights reserved.

Site design by Rory Hansen