here  You're here: Main : Web Ring : Graphics

Horizontal Rule


To download the icon, right-click then "Save Image. . ." for Opera/Netscape, or right-click then "Save Picture As . . ." for MSIE.

Web Ring ---(6326 bytes)

Web Ring Icon 75%

6.18 KB (6326 bytes)
size: 121 x 167 pixels
compression: RGB
bits per pixels: 24.

25% Reduction in size from the original icon.

Web Rring ---(6031 bytes)

Web Ring Icon 256-bit

5.89 KB (6031 bytes)
size: 121 x 167 pixels
compression: RGB
bits per pixels: 24.

WWW Browser optimized. Very safe color-palette.

Highly Recommended!

Web Ring ---(6153 bytes)

Web Ring Icon 16-bit

6.01 KB (6153 bytes)

size: 121 x 167 pixels
compression: RGB
bits per pixels: 24.

For low screen resolution. 50% compression and quality-balance.

If you want the icon in GIF, [121 x 167 pixels; compression: LZW, Interlaced; 8 bits per pixels], choose here:

webring256.gif -- 11.65 KB (11931 bytes)

webring16.gif ----- 4.06 KB (4160 bytes).

here  You're here: Main : Web Ring : Graphics

Horizontal Rule

Guidelines |  Application Form |  HTML Fragment |  Graphics