WWJD Mania
Have you seen the fad that is sweeping the country? It seems everybody has seen the initials W.W.J.D. -but does everybody know what they mean?

W.W.J.D.? = What Would Jesus Do?
I believe that the “WWJD?” craze started with a book by that title. It was about some kids who used the phrase to help them choose the right over the wrong in their lives’ decisions. Since then it’s gone from simple woven bracelets asking “WWJD?” to t-shirts, notebooks, backpacks, CD’s and just about everything else you can think of. “WWJD?” stuff is sold in secular as well as Christian stores. I recently saw a book in a catalog that was actually promoted as giving you the answers to that question, everytime you needed to ask it. I don’t know about you, but proverbial warning bells went off for me when I saw that. If you want to know what Jesus did and how He would still handle it nowadays, you read your Bible. “WWJD?” is a real money-maker and we are blind to think that people in our world nowadays will not and are not taking advantage of fads to squeeze everything out of it that they can. And who can deny that “WWJD?” mania has become a fad? But when it comes to fads, you know eventually they’ll go out of style. That’s what a fad is, a passing fashion. How much can this acronym really mean to people who don’t even know who Jesus is when it means so little to many Christians themselves? “WWJD?” seems to have become a “feel good” phrase. You can feel like you are proclaiming yourself to be a good Christian if you wear something that says such a seemingly Christ-oriented phrase. “What would Jesus do?” is a nice pat response when someone asks for input on a decision. Not that it’s bad advice. Everyone should go to God, all-knowing and far-seeing Father, when making decisions that will impact their lives and future. But if you just guess at what Jesus would do, and don’t pray and ask God for His will in your life, you could still mess up His plan for you in a serious way. I realize “WWJD?” isn’t just a slogan to everyone. It may help some people to remember to include God in their life, in their decisions. But how many people out there do get that benefit from it? How many wear it just for their conscience, or because “everyone else is”? I guess the basic question here is, will it matter -will “WWJD?” have helped at all or will it fade away and be forgotten- after it’s out of style? For me, I don’t want to wear a “WWJD?” bracelet (or any of the other things) unless it really means something to me. I asked my mother about the “WWJD?” mania as well and I completely agree with what she said. “If it wasn’t just a cutsie slogan -if it really meant something to these people’s hearts, ‘WWJD?’ would be a very positive thing.”
It’s easy to say “Oh, it’s harmless. It’s a good phrase, so what does it matter if people wear it -it means something to some of them, afterall,” in fact I’ve thought that myself. But that’s just it: what does it matter? How can we be so apathetic? How is “harmless”-ness going to motivate anyone to follow Jesus?
It’s the “WWJD?” Club and you only have to pick up a bit of “WWJD?” paraphernalia to join. But what does it mean to you??

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