The story of ROBOTECH: generation 1(Macross)
In the year 2012, a space fortress crash lands on Earth and threatens human existence. Macross island, a city off the coast of Japan was where the spaceship rested paralyzed. No life form was found on board the ship and the city of macross funded a project to restore the ship into working order. After the ship was salvaged, it was taken up into space by a human crew which encountered many aliens and alien attacks. Eventually, the human race and a faction of the aliens became allies. On the ship, there was a brave daredevil pilot known as Rick Hunter. He had problems, love problems.They aren't the type of problems that you or I have. He had two beautiful women. Minmei, a superstar singer/actress, and Lisa Hayes who was the Lieutenant Commander of the SDF-1(super dimensional fortress). In the end everyone dies except Rick, Lisa and Minmei. He finally chooses one of them and that's the end.
Rick and lisa
Rick Hunter
Rick's veritech
veritech in guardian mode
Roy Folker, Skull Leader