Det er en rekke lidelser forbundet med å være kristen. En er at norske menn straks de får rede på det gripes av en infantil trang til å banne og klø seg bak og opptre som om jeg legger kjelker i mellom oss! Dette opplevde jeg sist søndag. Det skal bli deilig å slippe dette en måneds tid! :)
Det stunder mot jul...
En kilde sprang frem
Fra den strøm av evighet som går
under historien
En kilde sprang frem fra en annen
og evigere vår.
~Stein Mehren
At the moment I`m attending a master programme at the faculty of law in Oslo. For the purpose of studying Islamic law in the Egyptian context I will be conducting field work in Cairo the year of 2004. I also look forward to moving into the field of conflict at the Institute of Cultural Studies where I will be studying religion and politics. For the rest, we learn two things at the Faculty of Law. One is de lege lata and judisium. The other is to think conservatively. Just look around. Who of all schools is located at Karl Johan below the Royal Palace? Who is known to master the sharp, classical 'look'? Who, if any, is able to achieve the at the same time powerful and discreet self-awareness of being everywhere placed in society`s casting ladle? But the conservative stance is other and more than a neat student image.
Morskap: trønderhets, vikinger bak gardinet. Dagmar. "Natt over St Gørans hospital"!
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