Thursday, December 3, 1998
I'm feeling much better today. Even after taking the time yesterday to recharge in the relciner and read and write, I had two more instances of running completely out of steam. A bath helped the first time, and Jev helped the second; after that, I made it through the rest of the evening fairly well.
I was still sleepy when I got up this morning, but I had more energy, and after Jev headed off to class, I had a bit of a nap.
Peanut, the kitten, is so cute... he likes to play fetch with this little yellow foam rubber ball, and he'll play until he can hardly stand up anymore, if you let him. I was at the computer this morning (of course) and he wanted to play, so he came in and mewed at me, and jumped up on the arm of my chair when I didn't pay attention to him right away.
I went out and played with him for about five or ten minutes, until he was good and tired, then left him to rest and went back to what I'd been doing. Not very long afterward, he came trotting in again, and jumped back up on the arm of the chair, so I went and threw the ball for a few minutes again. We must have gone through that routine three or four times, and I finally got tired enough that I climbed back into bed for my nap. Peanut hopped up beside me to get my attention, but I pretended to be asleep, and he gave up and flopped down beside me.
We played again this evening, but this time I was sitting on the floor in my room, finishing up the dragon cross stitch (it's done, by the way!), and I threw it out in the kitchen for him to get. When I throw it so it bounces, he sort of hops after it, and sometimes catches it mid-leap. At one point, Mom was out in the kitchen, and she threw the ball back into my room, almost right at me. For a split second, I was faced with Peanut flying at me, all four legs splayed and I ducked. He managed to land to one side of me, grabbed his ball, and took it back to Mom. Silly kitten! He makes me laugh.
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