Soldier's Angels

How can you help support a Soldier

Write Patients in Germany
You can write letters and cards of support and encouragement to the wounded and ill troops who are being treated in and transitioned through medical facilities in Germany.
Your cards and letters will be included in Transitional Backpacks or separately as needs dictate, but in both cases distributed directly through Soldiers' Angels Germany. You may want to include your name, address and email address in your letters.
Suggested salutations: "Dear Soldier", "Dear Hero", "American Hero", etc. are all fine!
Please put cards and letters in a large envelope and send to:

21st TSC, Medical Transient Detachment
ATTN: Soldiers' Angels
UNIT 23203
APO AE 09263

- Please notify the organization when items are shipped.
- Include a note with your
name, Email address, and short description of items sent in your packages. Without this information, Blankets of Hope organization  regrets it not be able to confirm their receipt.  Thank you for your support.

Soldiers' Angels Germany Mission: To support American wounded and ill Heroes who are transitioned through Germany from Iraq and Afghanistan. They are looking for large hand and foot coverings for the critically injured to protect their extremities. Hands or feet - all need covers because the flights back to the states are so cold. Everything needs to be oversized to fit on big hands, or over casts, bandages, and arterial lines. Soldiers Angels Germany (SAG) can also use knit caps.  A great friend Ellen at The Ships Project has come up with the idea of making large, loose knitted tubes that can be used on both hands and feet and that can fit over casts, fixators, IV tubes, etc.

My Blanket of Hope
More pix at bottom of page

Crochet, Knit, or Sew a Hand Coverings For A Wounded Soldier:
Approx 8" wide and 18" long.
If made from fleece, Velcro closures are best. Alternately, you can sew elastic on one side of the mitt opening (not all the way around).
No thumb separation is necessary.

Foot Coverings:
Same as above, but much larger. Large enough to fit over a ski boot.

If you or your organization would like to knit or buy mittens for our wounded heroes they can be shipped to:
21st TSC, Medical Transient Detachment
ATTN: Soldiers' Angels
UNIT 23203
APO AE 09263

Soldier's Angels of Germany is having a hard time finding mittens to buy for these wounded heroes and believe that there must be lots of good people willing to spend some "TV Time" knitting for our heroes. It would be a perfect project for church groups, retirement homes, older scout troops, etc. Mittens with thumbs are not essential, a "bootie" or tube type sock or mitt works best.
General opinion is that the fleece mittens/boots are the best. They cover dressings and splints quite well. So the more fleece mitts and booties you can get to SA of Germany the better the transport team liked them as well. Our soldiers are so valiant and deserve all the support we can give them. Thanks for everything you do!!
Another suggestion in size would be:
Hand Coverings:
Knitted/Crocheted: Approx 6" wide and 15" long.
Fleece: Approx. 7" wide and 12" long.
Foot Coverings:
Knitted/Crocheted: Approx. 8" wide and 18" long.
Fleece: Foot length approx. 16", foot width 6", boot height 12"

Sew a Blanket of Hope for a wounded Soldier:
Angels are needed to sew blankets! These blankets have brought hope and comfort to many of our wounded heroes. Please help by joining SAG sewing circle or donating today! Click here to go to Blankets of Hope (BOH)

When His parents arrived in he hospital the first thing he showed them was his Purple Heart and the second was his Blanket of Hope from Soldiers Angels !!! I cannot tell you the emotional thank you we received for this young soldier's mother!!! Truly grateful for the Angles, as I am. Way to go !!! Michelle" Letter to Blankets of Hope. 
  Learn how you can help a wounded soldier. Sew blankets, fill backpacks, join the letter writing team, make "mittens" to cover casts, and more.

This blanket, made entirely of scraps of  yarn, will be three panels across by 4 panels down.  The colorful scraps of yarn are outlined by scrap pieces of black.
You can see I've done three across and 2 down and am almost finished with the third panel down.
I have a close up of camouflage yarn I went out and specially purchased for this Blanket of Hope.   I really could use more scrap yarn.  If you have any to donate, please let me know. I will continue to make this type of colorful scrap blankets, as long as I have the yarn.   I have enough to finish this blanket.

My six year old son is pictured to the right. He made a card for Robert to tell him what a wonderful hero he is.  I will mail the package with the card he and his classmates made for Robert. I also have some candy, and other small items to send him.
Thank you,
Chris Webb--a non-official Angel to Robert C.--   And once an official Angel to John S.

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