ripped up from your weeks and indecisions

6/9/98 well, let's see. this morning at about 7:50 i embarked on the failure of my geometry test. i know i failed...i can tell these things. i was lucky to get a B for the last marking period. i just made a nice little pattern in the answer grid it went like this "ABACADABA ABADAB". i did that for about 50 answers. i should get about 2 right. anyways, the only good thing about today is that i got to leave at 10am and go home and watch Springer. haha...'you're a man...dress like one!" gotta love those catching titles he always has, eh?

this morning my grandmother went back into the hospital. least i think. just yesterday she hugged me and was talking about how she felt so much better and back to normal. and i come down and check on her during the night. i heard her wheezing. it's my fault. i should have told my mom that i heard her having difficulty breathing. ugh. it was dumb on my part. but she just came home. she was sick..and her lungs had filled up with some sort of fluid. i have no idea what it was and i dont' think i'd like to put it on my page.

i am so ready for this damned year to be over. i can't take school anymore. i'm tired of putting all my effort into looking decent just to go to some shithole and learn stuff that i won't even use when i have a proffession. i looked like such shit this morning....just threw on a pair of tan corduroys and a shirt and ran out the door to catch the bus since my mom couldn't give me a ride to grandmother and all. the only freaky thing about that i wasn't even affected...usually i get all upset and stuff when she goes back into the hospital. it's sorta sorry to say it, but i think i'm getting used to her little hospital hop-in's. :( how sad
