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         From childhood's hour I have not been
         As others were - I have not seen
         As others saw - I could not bring
         My passions from a common spring -
         From the same source I have not taken
         My sorrow - I could not awaken
         My heart to joy at the same tone -
         And all I lov'd - I lov'd alone -
         Then - in my childhood - in the dawn
         Of a most stormy life - was drawn
         From ev'ry depth of good and ill
         The mystery that binds me still -
         From the sun that round me roll'd
         In its autumn tint of gold -
         From the lightning in the sky
         As it pass'd me flying by -
         From the thunder, and the storm -
         And the cloud that took the form
         (When the rest of Heaven was blue)
         Of a demon in my view -
- Edgar Allen Poe  
"If you but knew"
A cool link to check out: www.griffinandsabine.co to see artwork by Nick Bantock and get a glance at some of   his books.
If you but knew         
         How all my days are filled with dreams of you,
         How sometimes in the silent night,
         Your eyes thrill through me with their tender light,
         How oft I hear your voice when others speak,
         How you 'mid other forms I seek.
         Oh, love more real if though such dreams were true,
         If you but knew.
Could you but guess
         How you alone make all my happiness,
         How I am more than willing, for your sake,
         To stand alone, give all and nothing take,
         Nor chaff to think you bound while I am free,
         Quite free, 'til death, to love you silently.
         Could you but guess.
Could you but  learn,
         How when you doubt my truth, I sadly yearn
         To stand for one brief space,
         Unfettered, soul to soul as face to face,
         To crown you King, my King, 'til life shall end,
         My lover and, likewise, my truest friend.
         Would you love me as fondly in return,
         Could you but learn?
- anonymous
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