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Learning About Using the Internet

What are these things on my screen?

Your computer screen has

What is a link?

A link helps you to move to another part of the page or to a different page (like a cross-reference (Querverweis) in a book). A link is a small area of a page. Follow the link by clicking on it. A link is often marked by a small picture or some underlined or coloured text. Some links only become visible when the cursor moves over them (the cusor changes to a pointing finger, the link changes colour, the address of the link target (Ziel) is shown at the bottom of the window).

Click on the "Back" button (in the top left hand corner of the window) to get back to where you started from.

What does "click" mean?

To click on something, position your cursor on it (by moving the mouse) then quickly press and release the left button on the mouse.

Click on this link to find out more about using the mouse.

Learning more about the Internet

Here are some links for learning about using the internet:

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