Welcome to Montana Lambda Alliance!
Hello There!  You have stumbled upon the Montana Lambda Alliance's happy little part of Cyber-space, and I would like to welcome you!  In case you didn't know, Montana Lambda alliance is the University of Montana's Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender support alliance.  Our main goals are to devolp a good standing in the community, and foster a general tollerance for diversity in the community as a whole, starting with the university.  We can be reached by phone through (406)243-5922, or we are located in UC 209, and have office hours most weekdays.  So stop on in, and say hi, we'd love to see you!
Local Missoula Resources
Included here is a list of resources that can be found in the Missoula Community to help you with whatever problems may come to your attention.  The resources include the Missoula AIDS counsel, the Western Montana Community Center, Montana Pride, the Outspoken, and our very own Lambda Alliance.  Every orgainzation has contact information listed, and would welcome openly any correspondence you would have!
National Resources
Listed here is a compilation of resources to help you out on the national level.  Included here are orginizations that deal both with pride, and tolerance issues, and issues concerning religion.  These organizations are professional, and nationally based, and just like the local resources, would be ecstatic to hear what you have to say, or answer any questions you may have!
What do we do? And why do you care?
The Question that comes up most often when we present to the public is: "What does the Lambda Alliance do?"  Well, that is a very good question.  According to our charter, we are an organization that's sole purpose is to raise awareness of the gay community, and gay rights in our community.  We accomplish this goal through outreach programs into the schools, and classrooms around Missoula.  We provide speakers, and forums at our weekly meetings, and generally keep making sure that people in our community have a well informed opinion of what is going on in the Gay Rights front.  To see what we will be doing soon, check out our SCHEDULE OF EVENTS.
Are you an Ally?
Are you interested in Queer issues, but not gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender?  Feeling left out?  Well fear no more, you, too can be a part of this wonderful organization!  If you're someone who wants to support our community, but you're not gay, this is the page for you
Sign Our Guestbook!!
Read our Guestbook!
There are few things we enjoy more than mail!  So sign our book, and show us some love!
See what other people have had to say! Spread the love!
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